Thursday, July 31, 2008

Colloquial Hostage Crisis

The entire Iranian population of America became "Persian" overnight during the regime of Ayatollah Khomenei. I think this was meant to throw off stupid haters (who don't know where this Persia place is ) by restoring this less used and Flattering term for people from that country. Persian cats are beautiful and have very long hair. Persian women have long fingernails, wear silk dresses and can be seen dancing at Four Star Hotel Rooftop Discoteques throughout the world. Most of the Persian population in California did very well financially under the Shah of Iran. (or was that the Shah of Persia?)

A hundred years ago, a well educated Tatar would be comfortable with the Persian Language, Arabic, and of course Tatar. I see many words in Tatar that are similar to Persian.
This Book is falling apart and a prime candidate for digitizing as it will truly lie flat on the scanner.

It is now pdf'd here.

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