Wednesday, July 30, 2008

Kazan Hem Bolgar


I included the front inner cover and back inner cover, which reminds me of Topkapi, in Istanbul, with the structures along the water. This book is titled "Mustafad Al-Axbar Fi Axvali Kazan Ve Bulgar"
In the front cover it says "Kazan hem Bolgar Hallere Turinda Faydalanilgan Haberler". This book is incredible. It has all sorts of very interesting tales about older Tatar life (very old, during the kingdom of Bulgar/Bolgar. Modern Tatars of Kazan are descendant of Bulgar folk). Mardzhani is a famous historian and orientalist and hero of Tatar people. Front cover in Cyrillic, Back cover in Arabic Script

The author is named  Shihabetdin Marjani - Шиһабетдин Мәрдҗәни

This book is available online here at the Tatar Electronic Library.

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