Monday, July 28, 2008

Long Haired Tatars - Doomed to Hell

Years ago someone had asked me about national characteristics of Tatars. (Behavioral) I was in the company of someone that had immigrated from Peru to the United States. He joked about how Peruvians loved to clean and loved to talk about how clean their homes are. The foreign perception is all drug cartel, but they're actually vacuuming.
I thought about how Tatars would be comfortable behind Lecterns , telling people about exactly how and why we're going to hell and what to do to avoid all that. In Kazan there were more than a few humorous moments when we would be at a function and guests and hosts would often take turns addressing the gathered group, Statements of Nationalism, or long warm greetings and extending of good wishes, celebrations of our culture. There was always an old woman would tell us that long haired men are going to hell. There were numerous Long-Haired Scandinavian Tatar males among our group. We all rode around on the same bus and Hell wasn't a destination. but I still feel like screaming Jehenemmmmmm! when I see long hairs.

In my youth, I thought every Tatar was related to me. I would be told very complex ways in which I was related it seems to all that would come to the Bina, at least through marriage. It was all one big happy family. As an adult, I learn the nuances of Popularity, attitude and about those in our community that others would rather not be around, the messy drunk, the person that always carries on about the same thing, etc... The holier than thou. We're very human, just like anybody else.

I'd heard the word "adaptable" applied to us. Mishars in Diaspora need to be. I like that. I wish the term "Fabulously Wealthy" was higher up on the list, though. Or how's about Stunningly Beautiful and FABULOUSLY Wealthy. and Jet Set! and ...light-hearted, of course.... I'd like to strive to get along with anyone and think I can. Years of bartending taught me that the easiest way to disarm hostile people is to agree with them.

Oh, and it seems that when we're not adapting or lecturing, we seem to spend alot of time carrying buckets of water around and arranging to meet pretty girls down by the River. There we sing and celebrate nature together, and eat good foods and hot tea.

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