Wednesday, July 16, 2008

Mubai - Sina

This is what we're talking about. We want some laid back tunes to make the food go down easier. We don't want to chew too fast. This Peremech is so delicious and Eni went to all that work. I would cluster Mubai with Zulya from Australia, except he doesn't sound as intoxicated as she does. The Tatar Language shakes hands well with Weird Jazz-Pop, and Mubai does it well. If Joni Mitchell, Zulya and Mubai played a concert together, it would make for a memorable evening.

a note: this video originally posted by I encourage you to visit their extensive site and purchase from them. I just wish the site was in English also and in Tatar also. It would be nice too if they were attached to PayPal and had reputable North American distribution. I could see people having difficulty sending credit card numbers off to Russia. Listening, friends at Tatshop?

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