Tuesday, July 15, 2008

My hunt for Tatar Music online

There are many resources available out there for finding Tatar music online. I started with YouTube, but it has its benefits and limitations. YouTube is very heavy on Salavat at first. You have to dig pretty deep to find treasures. Do you remember when it was just 2 Salavat videos and 5 videos of that young guy that sings along with Tatar Pop Music on his PC cam? I'm fortunate that all those really embarrassing things I did in my youth are not on the internet. I'm hoping he'll look back and laugh. That's not true. Apparently there is a video of me in a fashion show when I was 17 really drunk with a Black Suit on and apparently I invented "Vogue".

Now that I have this incredible technology to have streaming Tatar music and music video into my home, I'm getting picky. I wish the video quality was better, and I'm starting to become more analytical and critical about the content. I love my Tatar language, I wish I understood more. I would like to see more educational material online in the Tatar Language. The easiest place to start, it seems, would be with children's programming a la Sesame Street in Tatar. The format is there. We just need to plug in our vocabulary and post videos online. Other vocabulary building videos could follow, and onwards to middle, high school and University Level in Tatar. Someone could start by filming lectures and posting them. TNV Tatar television in Tatarstan has some great content. I just wish they would post programs too. I WANT SO MUCH.
On the contrary, The Tatar youtube world can be strange and mean. Have you seen the videos where the Search terms relate Tatars to Native Americans? or the people that use Ethnic musical sites to express Racism against Tatars. I had never heard seen racism against Tatars expressed until youtube. There are many other things I don't fully understand.

Why are so many Tatar sites so heavy on Russian language? Many of them don't even have ONE WORD of Tatar, other than song titles. We love our Russian neighbors, but it's time to use our own language and teach it to our people. Shun those Tatars that speak Russian at Tatar functions. ( I pretend to not understand)

Why do the Tatar people still use Russian endings for their names? Is -eff and -eva Tatar?

Why are the youth of Tatarstan emulating American Hip-Hop culture? I would think any visit to the inner city of any major US City would change that. The lack of respect for women is not Tatar behavior under any circumstances, and to make a hero out of a Pimp, Murderer, or Drug Dealer is just plain wrong. Hip-hop and Rap music can be incredible, and nothing more fun to dance to, but leave the gang-culture behind.

Why do some Tatar women singers think that you have to be almost naked to be on stage? The first time I saw that, I thought it was a woman from another country singing in Tatar! and such bizarre peekaboo hookery dresses. I'm embarrassed just thinking about it, and my family certainly wouldn't let you leave the house looking like that. Is Las Vegas Tatar? Sometimes the people in the audience of the music videos look embarrassed.

For now, there are some very decent Tatar Musical resources out there in our Language, more and more everyday. I encourage you to sing along and try to write down the words you don't understand. One word can change the entire meaning. I'm working on organizing my language resources and hopefully will post those.

Some people listen to music and are happy to have it on in the background, but others' souls are stirred and their hairs stand on end, sometimes a tear of joy, or a phrase so sweet, a sweetness of expression or flirtation that occurs often in Tatar Music, is revealed. That is my striving. If someone somewhere hears a Tatar song that they haven't heard before that moves them, my task is accomplished.


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