Friday, August 29, 2008

Massachussetts Tatar Manifestation

One of my closest and dearest friends, Travis came out to visit from the East Coast for a few days. While she was here, I showed her my accordions, and played a couple of songs for her. She returned to Cape Cod and sent me this note along with this video,

"I just put those pictures I took of you playing your accordians on a disc, one after the other, as a little film. They'll be shown this Friday nite on the side of the Schoolhouse Gallery bldg in Ptown. As part of a little home-made film fest. You'll be famous!!!
The name of the film is: Ilhan Accordian"

(i think it's supposed to loop)

I wonder if one of the Kennedys' saw me on the gallery!

1 comment:

  1. Hi mykushum! I love this little short. As soon as I'm in town permanently, I will have to come to your pad a.k.a. the Peremech Lounge. By the way, my friend Ruth and I have named Ramazan bayraam "Peremech Day". She looks forward to it every year!
