Thursday, August 14, 2008

Tatar - Russian Dictionary - UC Berkeley

This is a full scan of that dictionary I was talking about. It was discovered in the Russian Language department of UC Berkeley about 24 years ago or so. I stood there and photocopied the entire thing.  The Professor (or whoever he was) was getting irritated with me as the Xerox machine ran out of ink a few times and a few problems here and there.  He became my angry little tech support guy.  It took half a day. I thanked him a million times.
This is a .pdf of those xeroxes. The first three pages are missing, rotted away long ago. The rest of the dictionary is a tad hard on the eyeballs, but the information is all there. I didn't change a thing or make up any words. It ends at page 863 with a Tatar Language lesson in Russian at the end. At the time that this dictionary was copied, there didn't exist yet a Tatar-English Dictionary. This dictionary was the first step, then on to a Russian-English Dictionary. You could image the frustration at exploring words heading down the wrong "branch". There was no assurance of precision and some words would simply have to make "sense" or relate in context.

Here's a sample page
click to enlarge

It's a 143 mb .pdf and well worth the massive download.
I'm praying that someone out there besides myself appreciates this colossal amount of work.

(This download includes the first several missing pages)

1 comment:

  1. Hello Ilhan,

    Thank you for scanning this huge dictionary! It's a tremendous job to scan it, but well worth it. The missing pages are here:
