Wednesday, August 20, 2008

Shazam! My Grandfather, and Isis!

One Grandfather of mine who I never met (My Mother's Father), was named Shazam, which is such a great name. He was from the Penza area. Actually it was closer to Shah-zam, but we'll just refer to him as Shazam!
I loved this show when I was a child. It was part of the Shazam - Isis hour.
Big Round Jewelry sill makes me want to say "Oh Mighty Isis".
I like the name iLhan, but I've used the name Shazam! onstage more than one occasion. Grandpa Shazam! would be either be flattered or horrified.

Shazam had several siblings

In order of birth
1.Sister Nefisә (Ostri)- Mother of Talat Absi
2.Sister G
ölsum (Mөndihiy)- Mother of Әdip and Şәvkәt
3.Sister G
öljihan - killed by Russian soldiers
4.Grandfather Shah-zam - passed in China
5.Sister Afif
ә (Әfә Apa - Apuç)- lives in Istanbul
6.Sister Taifә (Tәvә)- lives in Ankara

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