Friday, August 29, 2008

Tokyo 1933 Tatar Book - Arabic Script SF Tatar Virtual Library

The Unofficial San Francisco Public Library Tatar Department is pleased to announce a new title for our shelves, published in 1933 in Tokyo. Godzilla destroyed most of the Tatar Library in Tokyo , but these few volumes remain. This is the first of two volumes. These books are literally piles of paper, and now preserved forever.

These are the books that I was talking about wallpapering my home with, the writing being so beautiful, and what's even better are the beautiful Tatar words hidden under this script. Many Americans think that if are reading Arabic letters, that you speak and understand the Arabic Language. They are often surprised to learn that Tatar was written in Arabic script.

The only places that I saw Arabic script in Kazan were at the cemetery, Tukay Museum, and of course at Bolghar.
Several of these books are religious in nature. I'm posting them for linguistic study.

I'll post volume 2 after I scan and .pdf it.
This book (above) is about 172 pages, and available:

I also have .pdf of a very good Alifbe Arabic Script instructional book. (in Tatar)


  1. Hi!
    links are not valid, are you still maintaining this site? Really interested in old tatar books written in arabic script, appreciate if can point me where I can these books


  2. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  3. Hi!
    links are not valid, are you still maintaining this site? Really interested in old tatar books written in arabic script, appreciate if can point me where I can these books


  4. Isnemesez Damir, I have slowed a bit, but still maintaining this site. Most of my shared documents were on Megaupload and when that was taken down, many of my links went dead. I would be very happy to send these items to you. There is one book that I have "blogged out" as an experiment to see if perhaps that is an effective way of sharing them. Please send to me your email and I'll figure out a a way to get them to you, even if I need to send a disc through the post. The above mentioned Tatar book is at
    Please take a look at this book and tell me, Do you think I should "blog out" the other Arabic script Tatar books as well? Thank you for your interest and I sent you a friend request on Facebook. Selem

  5. Zur raxmat Ilhan, alifbane uki bashladim inde, ushkitkech matur kitab.
