Tuesday, August 4, 2009

Golnaz Siraeva - "Kaitabyz da kitabez shul ..."

Golnaz Siraeva - "Kaitabyz da kitabez shuz

Esra sent us this link.
Rahmet Esra.

song is very nice says:

We go to visit mama,
we live really far.
We leave and come.
We come and leave.
Please try to understand us.
Even if we hurt you, mama,
please don't be hurt too much.
We even didn't have enough talking, time passed by so fast.
We have just arrived and
we have to leave already.
Again, at this our departure you are crying.
We wouldn't leave you at all, mama.
So what can we do?

1 comment:

  1. working link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HmICP91uqRE
