Monday, June 21, 2010

More on Tatar - Russo China

This above map shows Hailar in Inner Mongolia, and Chita in Siberia.

"The Russian Minorities were late arrivals in China and only began moving to China from Tsarist Russia after the construction of the China Far East Railway in 1897 AD. Later in Time more followed, entering various parts of Xinjiang, Inner Mongolia and HeilongJiang through and after the 19th century. With the Russian October Revolution of 1917 AD and the ongoing Civil War in the homeland immigration of Russians increased. In the years after the establishment of the People's Republic of China in 1949 AD, migration of Russians was reversed. Due to political frictions between the two Communist Nations at the Time and even Threat of War, Russian Ethnic Minorities were unwanted and many were repatriated to the Soviet Union. Another group of Russians, if able, emigrated from China through to Australia only. (not true actually)
Currently only a small portion of the original Russian Immigrants remained behind in China.

Traditionally Russians were either City dwellers engaged in trade, handicrafts or transportation or peasants living in the countryside. The latter group with its caracteristics can still be found today among Russian Ethnic Minorities in China.
Villages are small, composed of around 12 households engaged in farming, pasturing and gardening. Animals are kept on the side."


"The European Culture aspects of the Tatars are reflected in their music and the Furniture in their Housing. Traditional Tatar houses also have their own distinct architecture with separate houses and fire-places inside for cooking and heating. The Tatars usually still prefer spoons over chopsticks for eating purposes.
Tatar music and dance is very popular in Xinjiang today. Every wedding or festival regardless of ethnic group features Tatar Dance and Song. The Muslim festivals of the Tatars are similar to the other Muslim Groups in the Area. A special place is held for the plowshare festival, which usually is held in June. The plowshare festival is a celebration of Nationality for the Tatars and all come out in traditional tatar wear and engage in horse-tugging, horse racing or manly wrestling matches. The plowshare festival is the highpoint of the Tatar cultural year."

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