Wednesday, July 28, 2010

Kobe Tatars

Ziya in Australia sent us this pic of Tatars in Kobe, we believe to be the 1950's.
Most Tatars have moved on from Japan and there are very few left. Most migrated to Turkey after World War 2.

Rahmet, Ziya.

"In the early 20th century, groups of Volga Tatars immigrated from Kazan, Russia, to Japan. The leader of their community, Muhammed Gabdulhay Kurbangali, had fought on the side of the White movement in the Russian Civil War, and arrived in Japan in 1924; he then set up an
organisation to bring together the Tatars living in Tokyo. Tatars in Japan founded their first mosque and school in 1935 in Kobe, and another in Tokyo in 1938, with support from Kurbangali's organisation.Another Tatar organisation, the Mohammedan Printing Office in Tokyo, printed the first Qur'an in Japan as well as a a Tatar-language magazine in Arabic script, the Japan Intelligencer; it continued publication until the 1940s. Most of the Tatars emigrated after World War II. Those remaining took up Turkish citizenship in the 1950s."

above from Wikipedia

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