Friday, July 30, 2010

reader comments

"I thank you very much for adding the photo to your website. I also want to thank you for making those lovely books available for us Tatars does not matter where we are to down load and benefit from it. Carry on the excellent work and would like to see more of these books available for download which are part of our culture, history and heritage."


"the peremech lounge - A treasure trove for Tatars and anyone who is interested in Tatar/Turkic culture"

"Ilhan efende,

Sezge kup rexmet. Tarixi ber dokumentni internetka quygansiz. Asilda giybet ochen mondiy dokumentlarni gel taratirga kirek. Ber waqitlar zur ometler bar ide. Xezer ise xetta resmi reweshte qazanilgan xoquqlar da her kon sayin yugalip bara. Yorek erni...


Thank You Ilhan.. Everything you post, they're very interesting... keep it up.. ! Searching and learning it's never to late at any age.. Bik ZUR REHMET.. :-)

This Tatar Music blog is built around my uploaded Tatar Folk Music
"татарская народная песня"


"iLhan - Champion of the Tatars!"


"keep up good job"


"very nice"

Howdy very nice website!! Man .. Beautiful

I am very pleased to post me on the Peremech Lounge !
There is so many links and infos about Tatars...
Fantastic webside ! Thank you.


I am really thankful to you and I appreciate your work!
Rehmet bik zur!
You do a great job and I realize how hard it is and how much it takes your time.


Thank you to you that being in America already quite a bit years you remember and love the roots.


I am amazed and astounded by the wealth of information. How do you do it ...?

The "how" comes from passion obviously and... You have achieved something I could have only dreamed about. So much to read so little time.

Congratulations and thank you.


Thank you, Ilhan Sadri, for such a great website/blog


Бик т шп! Бик зур рхмт!


шәп нәрсә таптым!


Thank you for a great collection of Tatar links! They are great! Very useful!


Sizni kishiliginiz bilen, milli his bilen kutliyim!


Ilhan efende, have always wanted to tell you what a fantastic and informative website you created! Rehmet sezga!


Beautiful stuff Ilhan... Thank you...

Neat. I love you ILhan

Makes me happy!


Selam !
It is so cool to find a blog about Tatars !


Videolar öçen bik zur räxmät, İlhan!


I watch in youtube about you a film its was amazing


Hey baba Check out this ... show anne too, really cool


... By the way i love your tatar blog ...thx for broadcasting goodies for us tatar ppl!!


Tatar Program about us from TNV - THB


I like your blog. Thank you for your job.


Чын рәхмәтләр бу китаплар өчен, Илхан абый!

it is an extraordinary thing..outstanding, very inspiring.

bik matur!

Zur raxmat Ilhan, alifbane uki bashladim inde, ushkitkech matur kitab


rahmet sina, bik kup hizmet kuyasin her vakit,

bik enteresan article'larni tabasin. Tagin bik zur rahmet


Superb posts! Thank you :)


I'm pretty pleased to uncover this page. I want to to thank
you for your time due to this wonderful read!! I definitely liked every bit
of it and i also have you bookmarked to look at new information on
your blog


Bik Zur Rehemet sina Ilhan... Tagin'da, haberler birerge tiris... 


Good Job! and Keep It Up!


I really love all your posts, please don't hesitate to share anything 


...Чаллыда яшауче миллаташлардан  зур салам. Синен кебек егетлар булгач, Татрнын килачаге ышанычлы. Горуранып, сокланып карадык. Нинди ктаплар кирак булса җибара алам. 


"you are our Tatar ambassador"


"beautiful ... warm and gracious" 


"your friendliness and love of music transcends all cultures" 


You are an inspiration for world peace! I vote for Ilhan! 


Thank you for turning my frown upside down .


Bravo ILhan !!!

Бик матур))


You're the BEST!   

Илхан абзый, Шэп!


Your father Fazil would be proud how you've turned out!  


Rahmet Ilhan. Bik matur.


Rahmet Ilhan, bik matur video! selamlar.


Ильхан,вы очень интересный человек,столько искреннего желания узнать о жизни татар   


I am so grateful for this website. I'm on a quest to learn more about my roots 


bik matur 


I truly love your blog 


Wow! You show a great interest to the Tatar culture. 




Superb post 


Thankyou so much for the beautiful old tatar music posts... 


Great job guys! 


What's the name of the song starting at 1:25:56? It's beautiful. 


It's very nice to be able hear somewhen the forgotten old Tatar muzic again in the Your channel. 


spectacular. thanks! 


this is cool 


Бик матур булган! 


Rahmat, Ilhan abiy. Salamat bul. Kazannan zur salam!


Илхан афанде, Чаллыда яшауче миллатташлардан зур салам. Синен кебек егетлар булгач, татарнын килачаге ышанычлы. Горурланып, сокланып карадык. Нинди китаплар кирак булса жибара алам.  


çok güzel maşallah 


Videolar öçen bik zur räxmät, İlhan! 


Hi! I am from the Republic of Bashkortostan. I just want to say thank you so much! Very beautiful song, very beautiful performance!!!  


Ильхан Абый,бик ошады! It's so wonderful!


It's very nice to be able hear somewhen the forgotten old Tatar muzic again in the Your channel.


Thankyou so much for the beautiful old tatar music posts


Videolar öçen bik zur räxmät, İlhan!


Well play, aby.


Бик күп рәхмәт ролик эчен! Бу сихерле тавыш яшьтән бирле күңелгә ягымлы!


Great! The best performance of the song I've heard so far. Рәхмәт!


Awww, this is so special. Ilhan, the music.... tears all around. Bik zur rehmat.


I love this so much!  


Rahmat, Ilhan abiy. Salamat bul. Kazannan zur salam!


Tatarstandan salam, kardashlarem!


Zur rahmet! Kaylardan tabasyz sez bu yazmalarni?


Long Live Volga Bulgaria! Long Live Volga Bulgars!

Зур рәхмәт сезгә бу җырларны куйган өчен.  
БИК Зур Рахмат, 
Рахматлар яусын!!! Исаннек сезга! 


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