Sunday, November 21, 2010

Young Tatars in Japan - Kobe

There was a Tatar school next the Mosque in Kobe.
These pics are from the late 1940's, early 1950's.


  1. I couldn't believe my eyes when I stumbled across the top photo. My dad Kasim Seyitali is the young boy on the left with chequered shirt and his sisters behind him.
    I would be very interested to find out where this photo came from and if someone remembers my dad's family from Kobe.
    Sibel Beattie (Seyidali)

  2. We'll start asking around here in California as there are many Tatars from Kobe that live here. My Father and Uncle are in this picture as well. I believe this to be a group of students of the Tatar school, next to the Mosque in Kobe. I have MANY more images of Tatar life in Japan.

    Thank you Sibel

  3. There are the twins Emine and Halide (Altısh Family) my second cousins, in the picture. Now they live in the States.
    Ps. How can I send you some photographs.
    Shermin Alyanak (nee Arslan) Turkey
