Thursday, April 21, 2011

Tatars in Japan 1935

In Japan, holding the flag of the Kazan based Idel-Ural separatist government -1935

Notes about the short lived Idel-Ural state

January 1918
Congress of Muslims from Russia’s Interior and Siberia proclaimed Independent State in the territory of Kazan and Ufa Governorates (guberni). Selection of the Government of the State, Milli Idare. Creation of VMVS (All-Russia Muslim Military Council). Election of Idel-Ural delegates to Versaille Conference.
February 1918
Non-Muslim nations of Chuvashia (Bolgaria), Udmurtia, Mari and Moksho-erzia (Mordovia) joined Tatars and Bashkirs in the new state.
April 1918
Red Army, after the Brest Peace Treaty was concluded, liquidated the state.
July 1918
With the help of the Czech Legion, the Idel-Ural administration was restored.
End of 1918
Troops of VMVS were incorporated into Kolchak’s White Army as the 16th Tatar Regiment and suffered decicive defeat at the hands of Red Army.

It was the end of the dream of recreating, also partially only, the State of the Golden Horde (Altin Ordu). It was to be a free federation of Turkic and Ugro-Finnic peoples of Volga-Ural Region, still remembering the glory of the Golden Horde. In 1920, against the wishes of at least Tatars and Bashkirs, the Soviets split all those nations into separate administrative units — divide and conquer.

"Idel", by the way, means "Volga" in a number of turkic languages: "Ӑтал | Ătal", in Chuvash; "İdil", in (Anatolian / Ottoman) Turkish;.

from wiki

Description of the flag

The blue flag with the tamga (originally the Mongol branding mark, later heraldic device of Tatar and related nobility) was the unifying symbol of all those nations derived from the Golden Horde.

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