Wednesday, April 18, 2012

Halime Ebe

My other Grandmother, Zuhre usually steps forward into the spotlight, with her oratory and singing and teaching and all. This Grandmother above, Halime Ebe, born in Chita - Siberia, was more famed for her sweetness in heart and in kitchen. During her life, she ran a boarding house in Tokyo, lived in Kobe, Japan and eventually retired to Sunny California.

We like this picture and it reminds us of a friend saying "Why did that JERK have to forever ruin a very cool style of moustache?"

Among Halime Ebe's archives are many more military photos. Turkey, as a member of NATO, sent troops to the Korean War under the supervision of the United States. She has many photos of her son Hayrullah's experience as a career tank commander in the Turkish military; many photos of soldiers standing next to piles of cannons and stuff that tank people would get all juiced up about.

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