Wednesday, January 30, 2013

Kama River

There are many Tatars along the Kama river.  The Capitol city of Bolghar/ Bolgar was at the place where the Kama meets the Volga. 

The overall length is 1,805 km (1125 miles). The Kama river basin includes 73 718 rivers (93% of them are 10 km and shorter). The largest tributaries to the Kama are Kosa, Vishera, Sylva, Chusovaya, Belaya, Ik, Izh, Zay, Vyatka and Myosha Rivers. The cities situated on the banks of the Kama are Solikamsk, Berezniki, Perm, Sarapul, and Naberezhnye Chelny. It is fairly well used trade route. Passenger routes connect Perm and Moscow, Nizhniy Novgorod, Ufa, and Astrakhan. Picturesque scenery and beautiful banks of the river attract numerous tourists. 

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