Monday, February 25, 2013

Eppie - Epipe?

We saw this in Golden Gate Park and said , "Hey Wait a minute! Who is this Tatar, Epipe,  that teaches us how to love?"

Saturday, February 23, 2013

Slovenija Dragon

The above outdoor sculpture is in Slovenia, and from this lovely coffee-table book of "Slovenija".  Slovenia has nothing to do with Tatars or Tatarstan.  This is about art.  The dragon reminds us of that terrible sculpture recently unveiled in Tatarstan, but this one is much better.   We suppose there is certainly room for more than one work of art, but how about something as grand and impressive as the above and not that monstrosity they ended up with.

Wednesday, February 20, 2013

Indiva - Yaratam

IndiVa - яратам

Weekend in Kazan

Our American friend John clipped this for us and said "Hey you guys made the Wall Street Journal!" This article is from an advertising section from earlier this month and yes, That's us!

...and they speak the truth.   There are fluffy white duvets there.

click above article to expand to readable size....   or right click image ....

Friday, February 15, 2013

Kazan by Night

Many more beautiful photographs of Kazan, Tatarstan at night here.

Monday, February 11, 2013

Fayzrahman Aminov - Su Yuli

Файзрахман Аминов "Су юлы"
Rehmet, Zulfiya.  This is beautiful.  Bek matur.

Sunday, February 10, 2013

Golden Gate Park - San Francisco

There is no more pleasant way to spend an afternoon than with the squeezebox out in the park.  On hot days, it feels good to play in the tunnels.  The acoustics are incredible and make a single note sound massive, echoing into the park.   Kids clap and dance around as they pass.  Bicycles zoom through as well.  Some people look at you smiling and mouth "thankyou".  

Latino's shout out things like , "Viva La Musica!".

When the schoolkids aren't around the green benches are fair game.  Squint your eyes and it feels like Paris, with the fountains and overly trimmed trees.

The tourbuses pause so people can take pictures if I center myself under the Burns statue.   It's shady and cold there sometimes.