Wednesday, March 27, 2013


This is the inside back of a book on Tatar history.

Sunday, March 10, 2013


One of the best things about writing a Tatar blog is that we get to meet Tatars from all over the world.  People are constantly writing to us, thrilled about what we are doing, and many anxious to share their experiences and their take on the Tatar world.    Our friend, Zulfiya sent us this beautiful photo of her neighbors from the village of Tyumenyak (eng), Тюменяк (rus), Төмәнәк (tat). (Bashkortostan Republic).  This is from their appearance earlier this year on Tatar Television.  

Rehmet Zulfiya.  Artik matur!

Thursday, March 7, 2013

Tugan Yak - ТУГАН ЯК

ТУГАН ЯК - Tugan Yak
У.Рəшитов көе

Туган якка юл тотамын
Туган як, туган як.
Иң гүзəл газиз якка
Туган як, туган як.

Җир җилəклəре пешкəн чак,
Туган як, туган як
Ашыгам каенлыкка,
Туган як, туган як.

Талпына куңел, талпына ашкына
Ярсуына түз, түз генə,
Каенлыкта җилəк пешкəн,
Тиз үрелеп өз генə.

Чəчəклəрнең ниндие юк,
Туган як, туган як.
Хуш исле аллы-гөлле,
Туган як, туган як.

Бу якларга беркайда да,
Туган як, туган як.
Һич тиңнəр булмас төсле,
Туган як, туган як.

Каенлыкта сайрый кошлар,
Сайрый – сайрый кошлар.
Бер туктамый өздереп,
Өздереп- өздереп.

Озакламам кайтырмын мин,
Кайтырмын – кайтырмын.
Торып булмас көттереп,
Көттереп –көттереп.


Вәсилә Фәттахова - Туган як

Wednesday, March 6, 2013

Seber tatar klip - Almagacnyn alyna

Zulfiye Rachapova - "Alamagacnyn Alyna"
This is brand new on youTube and cool stuff from Siberia.


Who gets tired of looking at Tatar food? 

Tuesday, March 5, 2013

Hockey Fight With a Twist

We were shocked last week when we witnessed a RARE appearance of Tatarstan on American television.  This program shows shocking video from the Internet and around the world.  The video seemed to be a typical hockey brawl until they point out that the players have ponytails and are in fact women athletes.   The uniforms looked very Ak-Bars and when the announcer says "Tatarstan", we nearly fell over.  Too bad that one of our rare appearances on American television is for something rather silly, when there is so much to learn about life there.  Most Americans have never heard of Tatars or Tatarstan.

Saturday, March 2, 2013

Peremech Time

A visit to Eni is always better when she serves up some hot hot Peremech, fresh from the stove.  There is nothing more comforting and fulfilling and with Eni's special touch and some Sugan Chorba and Soy Sauce, nothing tastes better.   We discovered that if we take photographs of the Peremech from a very close distance, that you can actually taste them!  

Ash Bulsin - (Bon Appetit)