Saturday, April 6, 2013

Konchalovsky - Tatar Still Life

Petr Konchalovsky's exceptionally rare, pre-revolutionary painting Tatar Still Life, dated 1916 is estimated at £500,000-700,000.
It first belonged to influential Polish art critic Waldemar George who presented the painting as a wedding gift to Louis Gautier-Chaumet, editor-in-chief of "La Presse" newspaper, where George served as art critic. The still life was executed at the height of Konchalovsky's creative output, several years after he founded the Jack of Diamonds artists' society, which pioneered the Russian avant-garde.
Konchalovsky and his peers were deeply influenced by the works of Paul Cézanne, and their innovative form of Russian Cézannism finds its most vivid expression in this distinctive work of art.

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