Nardogan 2014 - and Peremech!

 This event was a week ago and the Tatar Bina in Burlingame was full of people socializing, eating, dancing and celebrating.  Beef Stroganoff and Peremech.   Aziz Engurasof on keyboards, many Russian guests and an all around festive time.

Monday, February 24, 2014

Tatar Murza Noble

This decorated fellow was labeled as "Tatar Murza Noble".
We believe those are Japanese War medals.

Saturday, February 22, 2014

Alina Ibragimova - San Francisco Performances

So we're walking past the San Francisco Symphony hall last weekend and paused to review their concert schedule.  Although it was a week too late, we were THRILLED to see a Tatar name on the posted performance schedule.  "HEY THAT'S A TATAR!"  

Below is what we were able to find about her early background...  and yes, she's Tatar.

Ibragimova was born in Polevskoy, Russia, to a Tatar family. Her family was musical, and she began playing the violin at the age of four. At five she started at the Gnessin State Musical College in Moscow, studying under Valentina Korolkova, and by the age of six had started her career by playing with various orchestras, including the Bolshoi Theatre Orchestra. She was aged ten in 1996 when her father, Rinat Ibragimov, took up the post of principal double bass with the London Symphony Orchestra, and the family moved to live in England. In the following year Ibragimova began her studies at the Yehudi Menuhin School (where her mother is professor of violin) under Natasha Boyarskaya....


Friday, February 21, 2014

Kayçan Gına Kilersen Sin - Tatar song on Accordion

I take the accordion (s) out to the park and play Tatar folk songs (among other things) . Do the folks enjoying the sunshine and greenery appreciate it? Yes! Many people will stop to ask questions, to say hello, or to relate an accordion tale. Some will shout "Bravo!" or "Viva La Musica!" from a distance.

Wednesday, February 19, 2014

TRT interview in Ankara - December 2013

Here I am on Turkish Radio, speaking Tatar and talking of my life. I was in Ankara for Zuhre Kiris' tribute event. The images are mainly incorporating Zuhre Ebe, and hopefully chronological...

REPOST: Tatar Clothing Book - татарский костюм
 Ingrid just wrote to us and asked us to repost this lovely book.
Here it is, on mediafire. татарский костюм
It's a rather large .pdf (about 200 MB) scanned highest quality.

Wednesday, February 12, 2014

Tatar Vespa!

Whether it is or NOT, We're declaring that this Vespa is a Tatar Vespa. Ciao!

Qul Sharif Backgammon

This is listed on eBay today and should be the most costly backgammon board you've played on...
It's Oak and inlaid with African hardwoods.  It's listed here.

Tuesday, February 11, 2014

Vodda - Tatar EP

listen here 
Tatar Electro Pop - and it's cool

Monday, February 10, 2014

Staatsopera van Tatarstan - documentaire ballet & opera

This is a Dutch documentary about ballet and opera in Tatarstan

Alsugul - Bahetle Bulasi Bar Ele

Алсугуль "Бәхетле буласы бар әле"

Danir Sabirov - Minem Zakonniy Xatinim

Данир Сабиров Минем законный хатыным

Ezife - Mishar Tatar Song

Әзифә (песня татар-мишарей)