Sunday, March 30, 2014

Adile and Peremech Perfection

We asked Adile if we could share photos of her peremech as we'd never seen such perfection!
Look at the consistent color and shape.   We asked her how she does it and the response, Practice!
We don't hand out awards but this is certainly Blue-Ribbon, Gold Star peremech!  Aferin! Adile.

New Piroshki Place in the Haight...

1727 Haight Street.  Anda Piroshki.  We are told the proprietor is Russian and her product is a more healthful take on Piroshkis, mostly baked.  Potato and Dill, Sirloin and Cheddar....
The piroshkis are twice the price of Tblisi-Moscow Bakery on Geary (our favorite in San Francisco) , but they're delicious.

Wednesday, March 26, 2014

Thursday, March 13, 2014

Monday, March 10, 2014

Beautiful Tatar Boots - Çitek

These are from Facebook today, quite possibly the prettiest set of "Çitek" that we've seen in a while.
These boots are in the Tatar style, handmade and quite expensive these days...

Tuesday, March 4, 2014

Tatar Music TV - TMTV
Tatar Music Television
It's great to have several options for Tatar Streaming media online.

THB - TNV Tatar TV Broadcasts live
THB - TNV Archives
Azatliq Radio in Tatar
TRT Turkish Radio news in Tatar
youTube content in Tatar
Various Tatar streaming audio stations
and THIS above Tatar Music Television TMTV