Friday, March 18, 2016

Gali Iyasov - Tatar Tenor

1. Tugan Yagym
2. Yshanam
3. Kazan Kyzy
4. Ozelgensen Sirenen
5. Min Sine Tabarmyn
6. Zyugre
7. Yadran Dingez
8. Sinen Ezler
9. Liaysan
10. Onyttyn Bugai
11. Peikel Zhyry
 (above spellings are from the record sleeve) Recorded in USSR 1978

This blurb from the back cover:

"The musical career of Gali Iliasov, the son of a miner, can be said to have begun during his service to the Navy.  On the eve of the celebrations marking the Day of the Navy the director of the sailors' club heard the young navy-man sing and so Private Iliasov promptly received orders to appear at a a concert with popular Italian song, but from force of civic habit, he refused to sing on the stage.  Imagine how astonished he was when the major, without more ado, exclaimed "Either the stage or the guard-house!" and so Gali chose the stage.  His debut proved to be very successful. 

On completing his term of service, Iliasov studied at the Khaborovsk Musical School, in the class of Yevgenia Vengerova, a very experienced teacher.  He then continued training under the guidance of assistant-Professor Boris Berkovich at the School of Music attached to the Moscow Conservatory.   

On graduating from the school, the singer was invited to join the Tatar Philharmonic named for Gaddullah Tukay.  In a short time, the young singer mastered the national repertory and scored a triumph at the All-Russian Competition of Folk Songs in Moscow.  

In subsequent years Gali Iliasov represented Tatar musical art in Moscow, Leningrad and Alma-Ata.  He is always a welcome guest in villages and workers' clubs.  From the very first days of the construction of the Kama Automobile Plant the singer frequently gives concerts in different departments of the Plant and in the recreation rooms of hostels.  

The singers creative achievements did not go unnoticed; he was awarded the Diploma of the Supreme Soviet of the Tatar ASSR and in 1970 he was granted the honorary title of Merited Artist of the Tatar ASSR.  

G. Iliasov has a lyrico-dramatic tenor of beautiful timbre and broad range and this allows the singer to sing on the opera stage and the concert platform with equal success.  He constantly works at new vocal compositions of Soviet authors frequently appearing as their first performer.  

This record offers the finest examples of the singer's song repertory and is best defined as being a concise anthology of Tatar songs.  Besides popular works of composers of the elder generation (S. Saidashev, Z. Khabibullin and N. Zhiganov) the disc includes songs of young authors (R. Yenikeyev, A. Monosypov and S. Khabibullin), which represents their creative search and finding in the sphere of the national variety song.  Gali Iliasov show a marked interest in the lyric songs of Rustem Yahkhim, two of which are recorded on this disc. 

M. Nigmedzianov
Candidate of the History of Art"

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