Thursday, December 27, 2018

Thursday, December 6, 2018

Halime in Japan

Halime Sadri (Ebe) is in black. We don't know who the cat is nor the other individuals. Tatars that lived in Japan were influenced by Japanese culture. They put soy sauce on their peremech, piroshki and into their chicken broth. They enjoyed photography as enthusiastically as their Japanese neighbors and absorbed their affinity for cuteness. Animals appear in many photographs from the Tatar Japanese experience.  In those animal photos often someone is holding a puppy or expressing a certain Japanese tenderness.  They dressed well.

Tuesday, November 27, 2018

Tatars in Korea

This image is from the collection of Remziye Devletsah 
On the reverse is written "Pusan 1949"

Wednesday, November 21, 2018

Tatar School in a Crimean Village

This photo was snapped from a large and expensive Russian History book, Fort Mason San Francisco
This image is from 1888.

Tuesday, November 13, 2018

Tuesday, September 4, 2018

Hailar gets mention in Military program

 If you have studied anything about Hailar, very little information exists, very few photographs exist. In this short military program, Hailar is mentioned three times at around 1:25.

Tuesday, August 28, 2018

second Character Map

Cyrillic scriptLatin script
А аА а
А аƏ əÄ ä
Б бB b
В вV v
Г гG g (1)
Ƣ ƣ (2)Ğ ğ (2)
Д дD d
Е еE e (3)
Je je (4)Ye ye (4, 1)
Yı yı (4, 2)
Ё ёJo joYo yo
Ж жƵ ƶJ j
Җ җÇ çC c
З зZ z
Cyrillic scriptLatin script
И иI iİ i
Й йJ jY y
К кK k (1)
Q q (2)
Л лL l
М мM m
Н нN n
Ң ңŅ ᶇÑ ñ
О оO o
Ө өӨ өÖ ö
П пP p
Р рR r
С сS s
Т тT t
У уU u
Cyrillic scriptLatin script
Ү үY yÜ ü
Ф фF f
Х хX x
Һ һH h
Ц цTs ts
Ч чC cÇ ç
Ш шŞ ş
Ы ыЬ ьI ı
Ь ь(omitted)
Э эE e
Ю юJu ju (2)Yu yu (2)
Jy jy (1)Yü, yü (1)
Я яJa ja (2)Ya ya (2)
Jə jə (1)Yə yə (1)Yä yä (1)

Saturday, August 25, 2018

Tatar Estradasi - Vintage

I don't have a year on this.  It was tucked into an old photo album. 

Thursday, August 2, 2018

Saturday, June 2, 2018

Monday, May 7, 2018

Tatariche Texte

Tatariche Texte
Berlin - Leipzig 1930

Tuesday, May 1, 2018

Tatar hats from Japan

Umit Agi's mother was a seamstress and perfectionist.  She made dresses and especially beautiful weding gowns.  She also made two tubeteikas for her two sons (The second matching black one is not complete)  We believe that she also made the white one.  These hats are physical manifestations of Tatar efforts to preserve Tatar culture and Muslim identity in the diaspora world.  I consider these two hats to be "treasures of the diaspora Tatar World", very beautiful

Friday, April 27, 2018

Monday, April 23, 2018

Peremech Power

Over ten years ago, when we began this Tatar blog endeavor, there was spotty content online relating to Tatars and Tatar culture.  We used this place to dump images and lyrics and historic and cultural content that has helped us to learn who we are and to share and enjoy this knowledge.  Over the years, the Tatar digital community has blossomed and in the present moment of April 2018, if you do a google search under "Tatar", there is a lifetime's worth of content to peruse and enjoy.  This blog has enabled us to meet other Tatars from here to the end of the Earth and in addition to loving Peremech and other Tatar foods, we all just simply love our language, culture and heritage.  Being Tatar is great fun. Our history is rich. Our people are civilized. 

Despite challenges, Peremech Power is lasting and on the move.

Tuesday, April 17, 2018

Village on the Volga - A. Yacalov

A. Yacalov Saratov
"Village on the Volga"