Saturday, April 4, 2020

Tatiana Makarova - Hippopotamus Party

Tatiana Makarova is a famous Russian Artist. She was born on July 4,1952 in Tatarstan, Russia. She graduated from The School Of Arts in Perm in 1971. And in 1979 she was graduated from Pedagogical Institute of Nizhny Taghil (Ural), Faculty of Graphic Arts.

Since 1995, she is a member of the Union of Artists in Russia.

Creative range: hot enamel, graphics, collage, batik, mail art, painting.

Since 1977, Tatiana Makarova participates in city, zonal, all-Russian and international exhibitions. The artist has about 20 personal exhibitions.
Makarova's works are in collections of museums and galleries in Russia, Hungary, Italy, Germany, New Zealand, as well as in private collections in many countries around the world.
Since 2002 she has been taking an active part in international practical symposium on hot enamels in Yaroslavl (Russia) and Kecskemet (Hungary).
Tatyana Makarova is a traveler who travels around the world with equal interest, and is easy on the rise. She was born in Tatarstan, has studied first in Perm, then in Nizhny Tagil, as well at one time lived and worked in Nizhnekamsk.The wind of good wanderings brought her once to Yaroslavl.The city she managed to learn and love, as she repeatedly took part in the seminars of the International Creative Center "Enamelis", created by the People's Artist of Russia with Alexander Karikh.

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