Wednesday, July 23, 2008

The Abominable Accordionist

Is there an accordionist under this accordion? Why is it in the snow? Accordions are like tattoos. Once you get one, you want another and another. I have a longing to want to lift this accordion from the snow, wipe it off and bring it to an environment with stable humidity, like Mother Theresa of Accordions. Look at the picture closely. This puppy needs to be saved! The owner needs to be put on a list of people that should not own accordions.!

1 comment:

  1. Hi, we found your tragic photo and support your efforts to help cold, abused or homeless accordions. We refer people to you on our Winter Accordions episode of the Accordion Noir radio show. Great photo. What kind of accordion is that though, it's got keys, but it's tiny like a button acc? Hmm.

    Also, I would love to learn more about the Garmuns you've seen. I'm ignorant, but think that in Russia their garmon is a fairly normal diatonic accordion. But in Central Asia's the Azerbaijani community, they play a "garmon" that that must have migrated and evolved. It is a very peculiar accordion with tiny piano treble keys, and then little chromatic bass buttons laid out in the shape of a piano keyboard. Weird and cool.

    This guy knows:

    Thank you for enthusiasing.
