Tuesday, July 22, 2008

Tatar - Carpenters Cover Band?

There is excellent quality music coming from Tatarstan these days, broadcast on Internet radio. Along with some pretty great stuff are terrible bad love ballads, songs with cheesy low quality keyboards, and songs where people try to sing songs that they're not capable of singing. There's another additional irritating quality that I'd call the sub-par Vibrato. What's with the whole Vibrato-from-hell quality? Are they freezing? Is that distinctly Tatar? Some do it well. Many don't.

Now on that note, How's about Translating Carpenter's songs into Tatar and starting a cover band? We could call it the CarpenTatars. With delicious Peremech around, we certainly wouldn't be doomed to Karen Carpenter's fate.

"Min Dunyaning Ustundamin!
Hem Aska Sezge Bagip
Mohabbet Tapdim....didem blah blah blah
blah blah, blah blah blah blah,
blah blah blah, blah blah blah blah
Maykushim , I'm on top Of The World!"

Here's a song from a band who's name slips me. I'll post it when I find it. The title of the song is Tatarlarkile, which means "Tatars Are Coming". Now with a title like that I'd expect the song to sound more aggressive or "invasive". Aren't we descendant of Genghis Khan? This song has a nice groove, but perhaps should be re-titled, "Tatars Are Coming, And Boy oh Boy Are They Friendly!"


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