Sunday, July 27, 2008

Gabdullah Tukay

I have a couple of books and numerous writings from our most revered Tatar poet Gabdullah Tukay. I found this book at a store across from Stanford University called Szwede Slavic Books. I left a card at most Russian bookstores on the West Coast saying, "Tatar Books? call iLhan " with my phone number. This book is called an "Album" and contains numerous photographs paintings and drawings, relating to Gabdullah Tukay. I would be interested to see an Complete Anthology of his work. I've been to his grave in Kazan and I read a poem composed by him this year at our annual Tukay Kon.
Under this photo, it reads:

"G. Tukaynin Uralskida Topografiyade Eshlegen Wakitinda Toshken Fotoreseme. 1905"

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