Sunday, July 27, 2008

Tatar English /English Tatar Dictionary

This is the holy grail. I wish it was more extensive. Often the word that I'm hunting for isn't here. Sometimes it is. I'd like to digitize this book into a Spreadsheet program. Another project. Is there such thing as Microsoft Dictionary-Creator?
A Latvian Tatar Friend told me this book is no longer available on Amazon. It's a good price if you can find a copy. I hope Hippocrene considers a second edition, and increasingly extensive with each following pressing? Wouldn't that be nice. I've also heard complaints when I show it to people that it's in Cyrillic and not Latin letters. the Latin phonetical spellings are there, but not as obvious. I've included a scan of a sample page. I'd consider scanning this if they don't reissue it and I get enough requests.

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