Monday, May 11, 2009

Excellent Tatar History from Kazan State University

concise, clear and informative

"The website "History of Tatarstan" has been compiled by the Kazan State University and is in English. There is a useful chronology which provides an overview of the history of the Tatar people, which intertwines with the Volga Bulgaria, the Kazan Khanate as well as the Russian State. Annexed to the Golden Horde in the thirteenth century, Tatar literature flourished. This site is richly illustrated and a good introduction for anyone wishing to find out more about the Tatar people. The translation could be better proofread, but this does not overly detract from the site. The politics section leads to the President of Tatarstan's home page, information on Tatar disapora communities, and an explanation of how Tatarstan reached democracy. The site is in some ways reminiscent of old-style propaganda, but is a valuable reference source if used with caution"

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