Monday, May 11, 2009


This is a good Kirim Tatar site out of Haarlem, Netherlands.
One of the treasures of this site is this following recipe for ......Guess What!~~~

Peremetch, a Tatar dish

PEREMETCH (Chee-börek)

This recipe for PEREMETCH was submitted by Rafek Hakim of Stockholm. It is one of the most popular and traditional Tatar dishes, and similar to "Chee-börek" made by Crimean Tatars. Like Peremetch, Chee-Börek is made from a similar round piece of dough and fried. But in making Chee-Börek, the filling is placed on one half of the dough, which is then folded over so as to form half-moons.
Meat filling
500 gram minced beef
1-2 chopped onions
1 deciliter(*) cold water
2 teaspoons of salt
Half teaspoon of pepper
Mix them together well and prepare the next step.
5 deciliters of milk
1 egg
1 teaspoon of salt
13-14 deciliters of wheat flour
Place the ingredients in a bowl, mix well, and knead until the dough is smooth.
(*) 2.5 deciliters correspond to 1 cup in U.S. equivalents.
Let the dough sit for a couple of hours, covered with a dish towel, and then begin making the Peremetch.
Using a rolling pin, roll out round and thin pieces of dough, pizza-like discs. (Size is quite similiar to CD - compact disc). The diameter of each disc is about 10-11 cm or 4 about inches. Put 1-2 tablespoons of meat mixture (step 1) in the middle of the disc and spread it evenly, leaving more than 2 cm or about 1 inch free space from the edge. Place another disc to cover the filling and seal the edge by pressing gently and creasing. Make a hole in the middle (about 1-2 cm or about 0.5 inch). Fry in hot oil, each side about 2 minutes, until the Peremetch becomes crisp and light brown. (Please, taste the very first Peremetch just to make sure that it is crisp and well done, and then continue with the rest.)
Usually this Tatar main dish is served directly from the kitchen, "Hotline Service," and naturally eaten while it still is hot. Melted butter, mixed with some hot water, is often sprinkled on Peremetch. Strong mustard or some other spicy sauce, and a salad are highly recommended. Hot tea is usually served with the Peremetch.
Submitted by Rafek Hakim

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