Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Mosques of North America

Nugget Masjid in Toronto - Canada

Jamia Masjid in Las Vegas - USA

Masjid Ul Huda in Illinois - USA

Mosque in El Paso - USA

Mosque in Washington - USA

Notes on Moscow Kremlin

In the 12th Century, there was no Moscow, only a stockade - located on the site of the Kremlin today - whose inhabitants benefited from the rich commerce that passed along the river between northern Europe and Byzantium in the south. For protection from marauders, the stockade was turned into a fortress - the original meaning of the word "kremlin" - and the early settlement that became Moscow eventually grew around it. The fortress was not strong enough to withstand the 13th Century armies of nomad warriors - the Mongols - who swept out of Mongolia on swift ponies to conquer Russia, China, Persia and India. One of these armies, the Golden Horde led by Batu Khan descendant of Genghis Khan, overran almost all of Russia and burned Moscow in 1237. The town was slowly rebuilt, but survived in thrall to the Horde. The nomad Mongols did not install themselves as rulers; they lived apart, only visiting the town to collect annual tributes. To this day, a Moscow thoroughfare running southwards from the Kremlin bears the name Ordynka, which means highway to the camp of the Golden Horde.

Intertat Latincha

Татарстан Республикасы электрон газетасы - Latin Letters - Tatarstan Republic Electronic Newspaper

Gabdullah Tukay.RU

Gabdullah Tukay.RU

Татарча - English - По-русски

Crimean Tatars in Akmescit

Thanks, Sevil for sending these charming pics from the early 1900's.

1920 Zylha hala

1914 Muyedin ailesi
(Mehmet Muhittin Sevdiyar, age 1, and his family)

Both pictures were taken in Akmescit, (Simferopol) Crimea

Sunday, April 24, 2011

August Haxthausen

The Russian empire, its people, institutions and resources, Volume 1
The Tatar references in this is are quite intriguing.
This is through Google - books

Thursday, April 21, 2011

Tatars in Japan 1935

In Japan, holding the flag of the Kazan based Idel-Ural separatist government -1935

Notes about the short lived Idel-Ural state

January 1918
Congress of Muslims from Russia’s Interior and Siberia proclaimed Independent State in the territory of Kazan and Ufa Governorates (guberni). Selection of the Government of the State, Milli Idare. Creation of VMVS (All-Russia Muslim Military Council). Election of Idel-Ural delegates to Versaille Conference.
February 1918
Non-Muslim nations of Chuvashia (Bolgaria), Udmurtia, Mari and Moksho-erzia (Mordovia) joined Tatars and Bashkirs in the new state.
April 1918
Red Army, after the Brest Peace Treaty was concluded, liquidated the state.
July 1918
With the help of the Czech Legion, the Idel-Ural administration was restored.
End of 1918
Troops of VMVS were incorporated into Kolchak’s White Army as the 16th Tatar Regiment and suffered decicive defeat at the hands of Red Army.

It was the end of the dream of recreating, also partially only, the State of the Golden Horde (Altin Ordu). It was to be a free federation of Turkic and Ugro-Finnic peoples of Volga-Ural Region, still remembering the glory of the Golden Horde. In 1920, against the wishes of at least Tatars and Bashkirs, the Soviets split all those nations into separate administrative units — divide and conquer.

"Idel", by the way, means "Volga" in a number of turkic languages: "Ӑтал | Ătal", in Chuvash; "İdil", in (Anatolian / Ottoman) Turkish;.

from wiki

Description of the flag

The blue flag with the tamga (originally the Mongol branding mark, later heraldic device of Tatar and related nobility) was the unifying symbol of all those nations derived from the Golden Horde.

Monday, April 18, 2011

American Association of Crimean Turks

American Association of Crimean Turks
4509 New Utrecht Avenue
Brooklyn, NY 11219

Sunday, April 17, 2011

Tatar Pride

turuktan is the user on flikr that made this cool shirt.

Bronson was born Charles Dennis Buchinsky in Ehrenfeld, Pennsylvania, in the Pittsburgh Tri-State area.

During the McCarthy hearings he changed his last name to Bronson, as all Slavic sounding names were suspect despite the fact that his name was of Lithuanian origin, i.e. Baltic (westerners, at this time, made no distinction between Baltic and Slavic names.)

He was one of 15 children born to a Lithuanian immigrant father of Lipka Tatar ancestry and a Lithuanian mother. His father was from the town of Druskininkai. His mother, Mary Valinsky, whose parents were born in Lithuania, was born in the anthracite coal mining town of Tamaqua, Pennsylvania in northeastern Pennsylvania.

Dual Signage - Duel Signage

This photo was taken in Mendeleyevsk - Tatarstan 2009
The top part is in the Tatar Language
The lower part in Russian.
Tatars face a constant battle for language recognition and for the use of Tatar Language in academia and public life.

Tatar Australia Plaque

Tatar-Bashkurt plaque (1998)
Migration Museum Memorial Wall

This plaque is dedicated to the memory of Tatars & Bashkurts who lost their lives in the long struggle for a free nationhood, and for those who were forced to leave their country as a direct result of the policies of Russian imperialism and communism. God bless their souls.

Tatar-Bashkurt Association of South Australia Inc.

Zulfia, Tatar of Burabay Kazakhstan

With her shutters asserting the beauty of the blue skies of Central Asia, Zulfia proudly poses in front of her Burabay Kazakhstan home.

Ancient Crimea. Medieval Crimea

"As a result of the defeat of Turkey started its Russian-Turkish war of 1768-74 years. according Kucuk-Kaynardzhiyskomu the world in 1774 the Crimean Khanate was recognized as independent. In 1783 the Crimea included into the Russian Empire.

Crimean Tatars were formed as a complex multi-ethnic group, consisting of both newcomers - the conquerors and the local Islamized and Turkicized population. Up until World War II remained a clear-cut separation of the Crimean Tatars on the main landscape zones. As special groups within the ethnic group in the anthropological and linguistically distinguished Tatars South Coast (southern Caucasians, language close to Turkish Oghuz Turkic sub-branch of the Altaic family), Tatars of the steppe (the predominance of Mongoloid features, language Kipchak subgroups), an intermediate position occupied by the Tatars foothill zone . Later, as a result of deportation and subsequent return as a territorial, this structure has ceased to exist. "

the mouseover maps are very cool.

Tatar Ethnic Footwear

Татар милли аяк киемнәре

Tatar Milli Ayakkiemlere
Tatar Folk Footwear

Tatars in Russian Literature Painting and Film

"Образ татар в русской литературе а также в живописи и кинематографе"
"Means of Tatars in the Russian literature and also in the painting and the cinematography"
in Russian

Гөлназ Җәлилова

Татар теле укытучысы Җәлилова Гөлназ сайты

pdf in the Tatar Language

на татарском языке pdf

Monday, April 11, 2011

Wednesday, April 6, 2011

more Tatar foods

One of the best things about being Tatar is that the food is incredible.
In fact, we could look at pictures of Tatar food all day.

Russian Bears

This is a shop in our part of town in San Francisco. These sure look like Russian bears to me.
It's the red stars that do it.

The Russian Bear is a national personification for Russia, used in cartoons and articles and dramatic plays at least since the 17th century, and relating alike to Tsarist Russia, the Soviet Union and the Russian Federation.
It often was and is used by Westerners, to begin with especially in Britain and later also in the US, and not always in a flattering context — on occasion used to imply that Russia is "big, brutal and clumsy". The bear image was, however, on various occasions (especially in the 20th century) also taken up by Russians themselves. Having the teddy bear "Misha" as the mascot of the 1980 Moscow Olympic Games — boycotted by numerous countries due to the invasion of Afghanistan. Russia — was evidently intended to counter the "big and brutal Russian Bear" image with a small, cuddly and smiling bear.
After the collapse of the Soviet Union, there was some support in the Russian Parliament for having a bear as the new Russian coat of arms — with the proposers pointing out that "Russia is anyway identified in the world with the Bear" — though eventually it was the Tsarist coat of arms of the Double-headed eagle that was restored.
Later, the bear was taken up as the symbol of the United Russia Party, which dominates the political life in Russia since the early 2000s. Coincidentally, the surname of Dmitry Medvedev, the Russian president elected in 2008, is the possessive adjective of медведь: i.e. his surname is "bear-owner".
