Wednesday, December 12, 2012

Teachers of the Tatar School in Hailar - China

back row: Fidot Evdakimoviç? Isakin?? (elbow out), Şahzam Kiruşev Tamari-san, Hadiçe Fomina (became Hadiçe Kuguşeva)
seated:  Fatima Kosova? (became Fatima Akçurin) , Zuhre Kuguşeva (became Zuhre Kiruşeva - then Zuhre Kiriş), Safiye Akçurin - (became Safiye Kudeki).

Fatima, Zuhre, Safiye

Safiye Akçurin - Zuhre Kuguşeva (1938)

Three sisters in the front  Rauza, Mahira, Hanife (Kuguş/Kuguşeva Sisters)
Behind them left to right - Safiye Akçurin, Zuhre Kuguş, Tamari-San?

Here is a pic of another group in front of the school in Hailar.
Here is another pic of the same school from 1922

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