Salikh Zamaletdinovich Saidashev (1900-1954)
Salih Saidash is a forefather of the Tatar professional musical creativity. He was born in Kazan and received an education in the Kazan Musical College. During the civil war he served in the Red Army and proved to be a remarkable organizer of amateur music activities among the soldiers. S. Saidashev began his activity as a music composer in 1922. He was the first Tatar composer, who used the forms of orchestra and choir as well as instrumental ensemble in his music specifically enriching the pentatonic scale with individual features and bringing forms of the Russian and the West-European music to the Tatar folklore. Saidashev studied at the Moscow conservatoire in 1934-1938. Having returned to Kazan he composed music for new performances of the Tatar Academic Theatre and wrote lyrical songs. He also performed as a conductor. Salikh Saidashev proved by his works the possibility of using symphonic and other musical forms in the Tatar music. These innovations, which enriched the Tatar national art, were enthusiastically accepted by the audience. In 1928-1954 S. Saidashev used to live in the outbuilding at 13, Gorky Street. There is a memorial inscription on the building now.
основоположник татарской профессиональной музыки, организатор первого татарского симфонического оркестра, создатель (в содружестве с драматургами — К.Тинчурин, Ф.Бурнаш, Т.Гиззат и др.) нового жанра для татарской сцены — музыкальной драмы, где музыкальные номера (оркестровое вступление, увертюра, песни, арий, дуэты, хоровые ансамбли, танцы, танцевальные сюиты) выполняют функцию раскрытия драматургии спектакля. Многие из этих высокопрофессиональных произведений потеряны, некоторые же воспринимаются как народное творчество. В итоге С.Сайдашев стал личностью, сформировавшей характерные черты музыкального сознания татар. Он горячо любим народом. Его творческое наследие — сокровище национальной культуры.
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