Abdullah Tukay - 1908
Jir yäşärmäs, göl açılmas – toşmi yangır tamçısı
Kaydan alsın şigre şağyır, bulmasa ilhamçısı.
Ber güzäldän kaysı şağyır, ayteñez, ruhlanmagan?
Byron’nıñ, Lermontov’ıñmı, Puskin’ıñmı – kaysısı?
Faidasız ber it kisägennän gıybarätter yöräk,
Parä-parä kismäsä aşık-mähäbbät kayçısı.
Teşläreneñ, gäuhäpennän kabızıp aldım menä
Min bu şigre, - äytsäñez le, enjedän kim kay töşe?
Bu Tatar şağirlären mömkinder artka kaldıru,
Alga sörsen aşıykıy ançak mähäbbät kamçısı.
Hiç hujalıknı kabul itmäm böten dönyaga min,
Bulmaga mömkin ikän aşık, mähäbbät alçısı.
Ämma läzzätle dä son yaşren ğazap, yeşren yanu!
Bar mikan, belmim, monıñ minnän bütän añlauçısı?
Barça ährare mähäbbät minnän uñda, zan itäm,
Kayda Färhad berlä Mäjnün! – min alarnıñ tañçısı!
Mehabbet - Tukay
The ground will not become green, Rose will not open, Drop of rain will not fall
Where will the poet find a poem if he doesn't have a muse?
Tell me which poet has not been inspired by beauty
Byron Lementov, Pushkin, which one?
The heart is like a useless piece of meat
If love doesn't cut it piece to piece
From your glittering teeth, I lit this poem
Could you tell me, Which part is less than a pearl?
It is permitted to leave a Tatar poet behind,
Love sends me forward with it's whip.
In no way will I accept a master of the world
if it is impossible to fall in love and be a servant of love
Oh how delicious it is the secret suffering secret burning
Is there, I don't know, other than I that understands.
All the owners of deep love, they're on my right, I think
Where is Ferhad and Mezhnun, My love precedes theirs.
Abdullah Tukay - 1908
Çın bähetleder kulıñ totkan kolıñ;
Gaine kodsiyat ve gıyffätter kuliñ.
Yaltırıydır sanki nurdan ber balık,
Ber färestä küñledäy pakter kulıñ.
Terlä häsrättän agulangan küñel;
İ matur kız, zehra tiryaktır kulıñ.
Yaş küñelne totsa ıçkındırmıy hiç,
Ber siherle, serle karmaktır kulıñ.
Här bähetneñ başı şunnan başlana,
Ber bähet bährenä tarmaktır kulıñ.
Min kulıñ, totkaçtan aştım kükkä dä,
Ber dä çiksez gali çarlaktır kulıñ.
Äyye, buyıñ da zifa, tuba kebi,
Şul mökaddäs talga yafraktır kulıñ.
Şağiyranä süz bu, añlarsın üzeñ,
Bu sıyfatlardan eragraktır kulıñ.
Tukta, ber maktıym äle dip uyladım,
Ällä nik maktarga ansattır kulıñ!
Here is a rough draft of the above poem translated. (Rahmet Elvira)
Kulin - Tukay
A slave that holds your hand is very happy
Because your hand is a spring of dignity and purity
One fish glitters as if made of moonlight
and your hand is as pure as an angel's hand
A soul poisoned with sadness heals
Oh beautiful girl, your hand is a cure for poison
If captured, your soul will never let go
Your hand is one mysterious hook
Every happiness begins from this
Your hand is the way to the sea of happiness
When I held your hand, I flew to the sky
Your hand is like a limitless loft ?????
Yes, you are slender like a tree from paradise
Your hand is the leaf of that holy willow
This is a poetic word, you will understand
Your hand is further from these words
Stop, I thought I would praise them
I don't know why your hands are so easy to praise
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