Tatarstan, from Moscow to eastern Siberia. Capital is Kazan, on the Volga River. Also in Turkey and Finland
5,715,000 speakers (86%) out of an ethnic group of 6,645,588 in Russia (1989 census), including 6,017,000 ethnic Tatar, of whom 86% speak Tatar as mother tongue, and an additional 370,000 Bashkir who speak it as mother tongue; 7,000 to 10,000 in New York City and San Francisco, USA; 1,000 in China (1990); 350 in Afghanistan; 7,000,000 total (1991 WA)
Has literary status, based on Kazan dialect. Cyrillic script. High literacy rate. Distinct from Crimean Tatar (Crimean Turkish). Baraba may be a distinct language
Hi=)) My name is Dilara. Adile Safa gave me your blog. Its quite interesting. Just an update for you information for your information on Tatars. There are also Kereshen Tatars who are also one of the dialects. I actually think they are the ones that preserved tatar tele in Tatarstan the best, I haven't heard anyone speaking Tatarca as good as them. The only difference from us is that they are Orthodox Christian, so they have Russian names. And thanks for doing this blog. Keep up the work=))
1 comment:
Hi=)) My name is Dilara. Adile Safa gave me your blog. Its quite interesting. Just an update for you information for your information on Tatars. There are also Kereshen Tatars who are also one of the dialects. I actually think they are the ones that preserved tatar tele in Tatarstan the best, I haven't heard anyone speaking Tatarca as good as them. The only difference from us is that they are Orthodox Christian, so they have Russian names. And thanks for doing this blog. Keep up the work=))
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