Stories about space Novelly o kosmose.1973 Lev Atamanov Sophia Gubaidulina
Thursday, June 28, 2012
Something Strange from Sophia Gubaidulina
Stories about space Novelly o kosmose.1973 Lev Atamanov Sophia Gubaidulina
Text Treasures from Turkish Travels
Eni just returned from a two-month whirlwind holiday around Turkey and our request was the same; Tatar Stuff!
She brought us an array of media, in Tatar, Turkish, English and Russian. I believe that these were brought to Eni from our Sadiye Apa in Ankara. In California, clinging to the edge of the Earth , soooooo far from our ancestral home, these books and pamphlets are rare and truly treasures from afar.

казан "фән" нәшрияты, 2004 88б
ISBN: 5-7544-0253-8
- исмәгыйль бәк гаспринский - Gasprinskiy 1851-1914
- әхмәдһади максуди - Ahmedhadi Maksudi 1868-1941
- йосыф акчура - Yusuf Akçura 1876-1935
- садри максуди арсал - Sadri Maksudi Arsal 1878-1957
- габделбари баттал таймас - Gabdelbari Battal Taymas 1880-1969
- закир кадыйри уган - Zakir Kadiri Ugan 1878-1954
- сания гыйффәт - Saniya Giyffet 1899-1957
- хәмит зөбәер кошай - Hemit Zobeer Koşay 1897-1984
- әхмәт тимер - Ahmet Timer 1912-2003
- гали акыш - Ali Akiş 1918-2010

Thursday, June 21, 2012
Fazil Sadri - Montreal and Colma

Tatars in the San Francisco Bay Area are buried at the Cypress Lawn Cemetery in Colma, California, just south of San Francisco. There are a few areas where Tatar graves are "grouped". Our section is buttressed by "Armenian Ararat Memorial Park" on one side. It is a cluster of Armenian graves, with a central marker. On the other sides and all around the Tatar graves are a veritable "salad" of ethnic groups ranging from Chinese to Polynesian, Irish and Mexican, (and more) all resting peacefully together.

Tuesday, June 12, 2012
Kazan Tatars
Volga Tatars
Volga Bulgarians
Bulgar Turks
and certainly there are others.
but most certainly NOT "Tartar"
and Kazan Tatars are neither Russian nor Mongolian.
The I-Chai Project
Friday, June 8, 2012
Coming Back - from Al Jazeera
This is a "must" film for anyone interested in Crimean Tatars. Produced by Ahmet Seven, a Turkish film maker, and published by Al Jazeera, it covers the deportation and return to homeland, relying on personal memoirs and archival documents. (45 minutes)
Wednesday, June 6, 2012
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