Tuesday, February 23, 2010
kiril - latin
Kiril Bugünkü Latin için Tercihler
Б, б B, B
П, п P, p
Җ, җ C, C
Ч, ч C, C
X, x X, x (gırtlaktan hırıltılı h) Kh
Д, д (ya da g) D, d
З, з Z, z
P, p R, R
Ж, ж J, j (Bu ses, Türkçe'de olduğu gibi Tatarca asıllı kelimelerde yoktur. Bundan dolayı "y" yerine, ж harfi için Türkçedeki "j" sesi gibi kullanılması daha uygundur.)
C, C S, S
Ш, ш Ş, ş
T, t veya m T, t
Г, г, Ғ, ғ G, g, G, g
(Son iki şekli Başkurt ve Diğer lehcelerde vardır, YUMŞAK g Tatarca'da gırtlak g'sı sesini verir.)
Ф, ф E, F
K, k Q, q (Kalın K, "Karga = Qarga gibi.)
K, к K, k (İnce K, Kitap gibi.)
Г, г G, g
nazal n denilen burunsu n Ataңны = Ataňnı gibi ng sesini verir:
Ң, ң N, N N, N yazılmakla birlikte N, N şekli tercih edilmektedir.
Л, л L, l
H н N, N
B в V, v (dudak değince f'Ye yakın ses çıkar, Tatarca'da genelde dudak değmediği için W kullanılır.
Й, й Y, Y ya da J, j (J Harfi Ж, ж Karşılığı olmalıdır.)
Kiril'de Е, е ( "Siz" okunur ) "; Я, я (" Ya " okunur); Ю ( "yu" okunur); Ё, ё ( "yo" okunur). Kiril'de olmasından dolayı Tatarca'da da kullanılmaktadır.
Ц (ts) ve Щ (SC) Ile tiyordiznyak ve miyokiznyak harfleri Ъ ve ь Türkçe Soylu hiçbir lehcede olmadığı gibi Tatarca'da da yoktur. Ancak Arapça'dan Tatarca'ya geçmiş kelimelerde ء (hemze) işareti için Türkçe'deki Kesme işareti (apostrof) olarak kullanılır; تأثير tәьcиp (te'sir) gibi.
Şimdiye kadar ünsüz harflerden bahsetmiştik; gelelim ünlülere (vokal harfler):
Kiril Bugünkü Latin için Tercihler
Э, Ә Ä, Ä veya Э, Ә (Bu geniş e'dir)
E, e E, e (veya Ye okunur)
(é biçiminde kullananlar da vardır)
И, и I, i
Ы, ы I, i
У, у U, u
Ө, ө O, O
Ү, ү Ü. ü
Diğer harfler aynıdır.
Crimean Tatars from Ozgean Omer
Beautiful Crimea
"Güzel Qırım adasında aqiqiy, medeniy bir İsviçre tesis etmektir!"
Swallow's Nest at Yalta
(now a restaurant)
Crimea (Ukrainian Krym), peninsula in southeastern Ukraine, an autonomous republic of that country. The peninsula, connected with the mainland to the north by the narrow Isthmus of Perekop, projects southward from the rest of Ukraine into the Black Sea, which bounds it on all sides except the northeast where it is bounded by the Sea of Azov. Kerchenskiy Strait, joining the latter and the Black Sea, separates Crimea from the Caucasus Mountains on the east. Crimea extends about 320 km (about 200 mi) from east to west and about 175 km (about 110 mi) from north to south.
gardens along the Black Sea
which are carefully cared for by women who water
or keep the people off the grass by blowing a whistle
It has a total area of 25,993 sq km (10,036 sq mi). The terrain consists predominantly of a level upland plain, an extension of the Russian steppes. Several parallel mountain ranges occupy the southeastern part of the peninsula. The climate in the plains area is fairly cold and windy in the winter and arid in the summer. The climate of the southeastern coastal strip is mild and the land is fertile. Plant species include the cork oak, olive, laurel, and cypress. Fruit orchards and vineyards are numerous. The scenic Crimean coastal region is a famous resort area; the leading resort town is Yalta, scene of the historic Yalta Conference in 1945, during World War II.
Livadia Palace, scene of the historic Yalta Conference in 1945, during World War II.
More Photos from Livadia Palace
In addition to such fruits as cherries, peaches, figs, apricots, apples, and pears, agricultural products of Crimea include tobacco, wheat, and barley, which are grown mainly on the steppes, and corn, flax, and almonds. Cattle and sheep are raised on the mountain slopes. Crimea contains productive mineral deposits, notably salt and phosphoric iron ore. Rich deposits of the latter are located near Kerch, an important center for the production of iron and steel. Other important industries are shipbuilding, fishing, and the manufacture of fertilizers, chemicals, tobacco products, flour, leather products, and metals.
Crimea had a population of about 2,456,000 in 1989. Russians, Ukrainians, and Tatars (16%) are the major ethnic groups, with smaller numbers of Bulgarians and Greeks. The administrative center and principal city of the region is Simferopol, and the leading port is Sevastopol.
Alupkinsky Palace, where Churchill stayed during the Yalta conference
More Photos from Alupkinsky Palace
In ancient times Crimea was known as Chersonesus Taurica, from the name of a tribe, the Tauri, who were descendants of the Cimmerians. Between the 7th and 5th centuries BC the Greeks of Miletus colonized the territory, founding many cities and towns. These were united in 438 BC to form the kingdom of Bosporus. In 114 BC the kingdom accepted the overlordship of Mithridates VI Eupator, king of Pontus, as a protection from tribes of Scythians. For nearly three centuries after the defeat of Mithridates by the Romans, Crimea was under the nominal suzerainty of Rome. The region was conquered by the Goths in AD 250. This was the first of a series of successive invasions by the Huns, Khazars, Byzantine Greeks, Kipchaks, and Genoese, extending over a period of nearly 1000 years. In 1475 the peninsula was overrun by the Turks, who, with the cooperation of the Tatar princes controlling part of the area, retained possession of it until 1777.
squirrel with red ears
As a result of the Russian victory over the Turks in that year, Crimea in 1783 became part of the Russian Empire. The peninsula was embattled from 1854 to 1856, during the Crimean War and figured prominently in the civil war that took place after the Russian Revolution of 1917. During the historic opening of the Qurultay on November 26, 1917, Noman Çelebicihan was elected the first president of the young Crimean Republic. In January 1918, just barely two months after he was elected to lead his nation at the historic Qurultay of the Crimean Tatar people, the Bolshevik forces invaded Crimea. He was arrested and imprisoned in Sevastopol. On February 23, a firing squad of the Black Sea Fleet executed him and threw his body into the sea. In 1921 Crimea was established as an autonomous republic for Crimean Tatars within the Russian Soviet Federated Socialist Republic (RSFSR) of the Soviet Union.
Palace of the Khans in Bakhchysaray
More Photos of the Tatar Khanate
In 1941 Crimea was invaded by German armies. The Germans completely occupied the republic after the fall of Sevastopol' in July 1942, holding it until the spring of 1944. That year Crimean Tatars were deported en masse to Central Asia by Soviet leader Joseph Stalin. Crimea was demoted in status from an autonomous republic to an oblast in 1945. It was made a region of the Ukrainian Soviet Socialist Republic (SSR) in 1954 by Soviet leader Nikita Khrushchev.
entrance to Uspensky cave monastery
mosaic of priest and saint
After the dissolution of the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics (USSR) in 1991, a secessionist movement emerged among Crimea's ethnic Russians, who constitute a majority of the population in the peninsula. In May 1992 the Crimean legislature issued a declaration of independence. However, the declaration was rescinded two weeks later after the Ukrainian leadership granted Crimea the status of an autonomous republic within Ukraine's borders.
the upper cave rooms of the Uspensky monastery
In January 1994 Crimea's first presidential election was held. Most of the candidates publicly supported Crimean reunification with Russia, including the winner, Yury Meshkov. In May 1994 the Crimean legislature passed a separatist constitution. Demands that the constitution be rescinded were ignored. In March 1995 the Ukrainian Supreme Council annulled the Crimean constitution and effectively abolished the presidency.
Bear Mountain on the Black Sea coast at Yalta
In April Ukrainian president Leonid Kuchma assumed direct control over the government of Crimea. Secessionist efforts were dampened when pro-secession groups were largely defeated in Crimean local elections held in June and July. Kuchma soon thereafter lifted the decree placing Crimea under direct presidential control. Ukraine's first post-Soviet constitution, passed in June 1996, allows the Crimean legislature to exercise a large degree of autonomy; however, the local legislature is prohibited from enacting laws that would contradict the national constitution.
nuts for sale
Meanwhile, about 400,000 Crimean Tatars who were exiled under Stalin have returned to Crimea, their homeland, since 1991. Many lack adequate housing and have not yet received Ukrainian citizenship.
Don't forget our Crimean Tatar brothers and sisters! They need our help anyway...
Ozgean Omer, Constanta, Romania, EU
Sunday, February 21, 2010
Saturday, February 20, 2010
Ali Akis from Şәһri Kаzаn
20.11.2009 Millәt
Әnkаrа şәһәrеndә yaşәүçе sәyasәtçе, Gаyaz İsхаkıy eşеn dәvаm itүçе, uzgаn yеldа tuksаn yaşеn tutırgаn Gаli аgа Аkış һәm аnıң bеrtugаn sеңеllәrе Sәidә, Fәridә һәm Nаҗiya аpаlаr өеnең işеklәrе Tөrkiyadә ukuçı tаtаr studеntlаrınа, vаtаndаşlаrınа һәrvаkıt аçık. Miңа Tөrkiyanең kurоrt şәһәrе Аntаliyadә үtkәrеlә tоrgаn tөrki tеllе jurnаlistlаr sеminаrınа bаrırgа nаsıyp buldı. Yuk, bоlаy tүgеl...
Gаli аgа һәm аnıң tugаnnаrınıң хәl-әхvәlеn bеlеşәsе kilү, çәy eçә-eçә әңgәmә kоrıp utırаsı kilү tеlәgеnең çıngа аşuı өçеn sеminаrgа bаru mөmkinlеgе nаsıyp buldı, dip әytү, dөrеsrәk bulırdır... Tаtаrstаnnаn bеrniçә jurnаlist bеlәn Аntаliya һәm Әnkаrаnı аеrgаn sigеz sәgаtlеk yul kiçеp, Gаli аgа Аkış gаilәsеnә kunаkkа kilеp tөştеk.
– Gаli аgа, Sеz хаlkıbız хаkınа biхisаp хеzmәt kuygаn оlı şәхеs. Sеz – аnıң gоrurlıgı. Sеznеңçә niçеk, eşеgеz tiеşеnçә bәyalәndеmе? Tаtаr хаlkınа kаbаt-kаbаt nilәr җitkеrеrgә tеlisеz?
– Yazgаnnаrımnı, әytkәnnәrеmnе bәlki kаybеrәүlәr yarаtmаgаnnаrdır dа. Әmmа bаr sүzеm, bаrlık fikеrlәrеm үz хаlkım yazmışın kаygırtıp әytеldе. Хәzеr dә min nәq şul fikеrlәrеmdә, tеlәklәrеmdә kаlаm. Rus millәtеnә dә, һiçbеr bаşkа millәtkә dә kаrışım yuk һәm һiçkаyçаn yuk tа idе. Һәr millәt bеlәn dus bulıp yaşәү mөһim. Tаtаr millәtеnең bоrıngıdаn kilgәn җаnаvаz tеlәgе – tulı bәysеzlеk ul. Bеznең bәysеzlеgеbеz Rоssiyagә һiç zıyangа tүgеl, kirеsеnçә, fаydа gınа kitеrеr.
Tаtаrstаn şunı dа аңlаsın idе: kurkınıç, аfәt Rоssiyadәn tүgеl, ә bәlki Kıtаydаn kilеr. Оşbu nәrsә bеzgә gеnә tүgеl, bаrçа millәtlәrgә dә yanıy. Tаtаrstаnnıң kilәçәgе isә – bөеk Tөrkiya bеlәn bөеk Rоssiya duslıgındа. Tаtаr хаlkınıң burıçı – dinnе, dеnnе, әdәbiyatnı, mәdәniyatnе, mәğrifәtnе, ә iң әүvәl tugаn tеlnе kıyamәtkәçә sаklаp kаlu.
1991 yеlnı Sоvеtlаr Sоyuzı tаrkаlgаç, Tаtаrstаn үrnәgе bаrlıkkа kildе. Bu – үzаrа tаtu yaşәү mоdеlе. Tаtаr хаlkı dinnәn һiç tә çit-çitkә tаypılırgа tiеş tүgеl. Үz nәүbәtеbеzdә bеz dә bаşkа dinnәrgә çiklәү kuymаskа tiеş. Tаtаr mәdәniyatеn çiklәp, rus mәdәniyatеnә gеnә өstеnlеk birеrgә tırışunı min sәyasi җinаyat kılugа tiң sаnıym. Үzаrа аңlаşulаr өstәn, өstеnlеklе kuşu yulı bеlәn tүgеl, diplоmаtiya, mәdәni-sәyasi kаlıptа tөzеlеrgә tiеşlе ul.
Rоssiyadә kilәçәk bеlәn bәylе bаşkа bеr kurkınıç bаr... Ul dа bulsа, аlkоgоlizm. İrеşkәn хәbәrlәrgә kаrаgаndа, yөz kеşеnең unsigеzе şul çir bеlәn аvırıy ikәn. Әgәr mәgәr әlеgе sаn yеgеrmе biş prоtsеntkа җitsә, kilәçәk turındа sүz yөrtеp tә bulmаs. 1910 yеldа uk Vаrşаvа univеrsitеtı prоfеssоrı Mаşkоv mеnә bоlаy dip әytkәn bulgаn: «Әgәr bеr үzgәrеş tә bulmаsа, dеgеnеrаtsiya tuktаmаsа, аltı buın аlışıngаç, yağni 465 yеldаn sоң il yuk bulаçаk». Busı dа – һәr millәtkә yanıy tоrgаn kurkınıç.
– Bүgеngе Tаtаrstаngа әylәnеp kаytır idеgеzmе, Gаli аgа?
– 1993 yеldа Kаzаngа bаrgаç, tаtаr tеlеvidеniеsеndә minеm bеlәn үtkәrgәn әңgәmәdә şuşındıy uk sоrаu birgәnnәr idе. Kаbаtlаp әytәm: Tаtаrstаn tulı bәysеz, mөstәkıyl bulsа, һiçşiksеz, kаytır idеm.
– Gаli аgа, Tаtаrstаngа bәylе өmеtlәrеgеz әzmе-kүpmе аklаndımı? Kаysılаrı çıngа аştı dа kаysılаr аşmаdı?
– Bәysеzlеkkә оmtılu tаtаr хаlkınıң kаnınа, җаnınа sеңеp kаlgаn. 1552 yеldаn birlе – 457 yеl buеnа kеşе kulındа kөn kүrәbеz. Kırım tаtаrlаrı bеlәn Kаzаn tаtаrlаrın çаgıştırıp kаrıyk әlе. Үzbәkstаngа dәrrәү kөçlәp kuılgаn Kırım tаtаrlаrınıң tuksаn ikе prоtsеntı, yaхşı eşlәrеn, iyalәşkәn һөnәrlәrеn tаşlаp kitеp, Kırımgа әylәnеp kаyttı. Kırım tаtаrlаrındа tulı bәysеzlеkkә оmtılış gаyat kөçlе. Kаzаn tаtаrlаrı аrаsındа isә «Kаydа indе ul bеzgә bәysеzlеk?!» dip uftаnuçılаr bаr. Аlаy uk өmеtsеzlәnеrgә һiç yarаmıy.
Min 1956 yеlnı dәrәҗәnе kүtәrү imtiхаnınа kеrgәn idеm. NАTО idаrәsеnең pеrsоnаl sәrkаtibе minnәn: «Җаvаplаr birgәndә nindi tеldә uylаdıgız?» – dip sоrаdı. Bүtәn tеldә uylаvım mөmkinlеgе turındа bаşımа dа kilmi indе. «Аnа tеlеmdә, bilgеlе», – dip җаvаp kаytаrdım. Tаtаrstаngа bаrgаç, tаtаr jurnаlistlаrınа şundıy uk sоrаu birgәn idеm. Ni аyanıç, һiçbеrsеnnәn «Tаtаr tеlеndә uylıym» digәn җаvаp işеtmәdеm... Аnа tеlеndә uylаu gаyat zur urın аlırgа tiеş. Bu, әүvәl nәүbәttә, аnа tеlеndә tәrbiya birүgә bәylе.
– Kilәçәknе kаygırtudа bеz – bүgеngе tаtаrnıң yaş buını nişlәrgә tiеş?
– Bаrlık dөnyanı gizә аlsаgız dа, yaşәү bаrındа үzеgеznең bөеk tаtаr kаvеmеnnәn ikәnlеgеgеznе оnıtmаgız.
Sәidә аpа: Milli tәrbiya, din iң elеk mәktәptә birеlеrgә tiеş. Bаşlаngıç tаtаr mәktәbеndә buldıң isә, һiçbеr zаmаn sin bаşkа millәtkә kuşılıp kitmisең, tеlеңnе, dinеңnе sаklıysıң. Ni өçеn bеz Çin ilеndә yaşәgәndә аnа tеlеbеznе sаklаdık? Tеl – din kеbеk ul. Аnа tеlеn yugаltu – dinnе yugаltkаn kеbеk. Үz tеlеңnе yugаltsаң, vаfаt аtа-аnаlаrıң ruхı rәnҗi. Аnа tеlеn, dinnе, tаriхnı sаklаudаn tış, mаtdi tоrmışnı аlıp bаrır өçеn iqtisаdnı җаygа sаlırgа kirәk.
– Gаli аgа, bu kөnnәrdә Аntаliya şәһәrеndә yеgеrmе аltı ildәn kilgәn tөrki tеllе jurnаlistlаrnıң sеminаrı uzа. Sеz mоңа nindi mөnәsәbәttә?
– Bik хup, yaхşı eş. Bүgеngе kөndә tаtаrlаr аеrım, аzәrilәr аеrım-аеrım, gоmumәn, tөrkilәr аеrım... Nigә mоndıy sоң bеz?! Yugıysә bеr аnаdаn kеbеk bit! Tөrkilәr bеrgә-bеrәgәylе bulsа gınа yaşi аlа. Tаtаrlаrnıң mәdәniyatеnә kirtә kuеlmаsа, milli uyanışkа әһәmiyat birеlsә, bеz yaşәrbеz. Bu – kөç. Tөrkiyadә İstаnbulnıң Әdәrnе Kаpı digәn җirеndә tаtаrlаr һәm bаşkоrtlаr өçеn аеrım rеdаktsiyalәr eşli. Tаtаrstаn bеlәn Bаşkоrtstаnnıң mәdәniyat үzәgе аçıldı...
– Sәidә аpа, çit җirlәrdә yaşәp, үzеgеznе niçеk tаtаr itеp sаklаp kаlа аldıgız?
– Аtа-аnаbız Rоssiyadәn kitеp, çit ildә tөplәngәnnәr. Bеznең şikеllеlәr аz tүgеl idе. Sәүdә bеlәn kilgәn tаtаrlаrnıң kүbеsе Pеnzа tөbәgеnnәn bulgаn. Kүbrәk Хаrbin, Хаylаr şәһәrlәrеnә kilеp җirlәşkәnnәr. Bаrıp җitkәç үk үz хәl-әхvәllәrе bеlәn tаtаr mәktәplәrе, mәçеtlәr аçkаnnаr. Kүbеsе sәүdәgәrlәr bulgаngа kүrә, bu igеlеklе, imаnlı eşkә yardәm itү mөmkinlеgе bulgаn. Үz bаlа-çаgаlаrın dа şul tаtаr mәktәplәrеnә sаbаk аlırgа birgәnnәr. Tаtаr mәktәplәrе bаştа biş sıynıflı, аnnаrı аltı sıynıflı bulgаn. Аndа din, tаriх, gеоgrаfiya, islаm gıylеmе, tаtаr tаriхı, tаtаr tеlе, Kоrәn dәrеslәrе ukıtılgаn. İkеnçе sıynıftаn bаşlаp uk din өyrәtеlgәn. Tаtаr җırlаrın җırlаp, Tukаynı ukıp үstеk. Tukаy kөnnәrеn uzdırа idеk. Өlkәnnәr, bаlаlаr өçеn kiçәlәr оеştırа idеk. Kıtаydаgı tаtаr хаlkı şul kiçәlәr bеlәn ruхlаnıp yaşәdе.
Хөsәеn Әbdүş digәn bеr kеşе bаr idе. Ul yaşlәr bеlәn kiçәlәr оеştırа tоrgаn buldı. Еlgа өç-dүrt mәrtәbә tаtаr kiçәlәrе uzdırıp bаrdı. Şundа Gаyaz İsхаkıy әsәrlәrе sәхnәlәştеrеlеp kuеlа tоrgаn idе. Bеrgәlәşеp tаtаr kitаplаrı ukıldı. Әlеgе kiçәlәrgә rus univеrsitеtlаrındа ukuçı studеntlаr dа yөrdе. Аlаr dа tаtаrçа yaхşı sөylәşә. Rus iptәşlәrеbеz şаktıy kүp idе. Rus yеgеtlәrе tаtаr kızlаrın bik yarаtаlаr idе, bik mаturlаr, bik tәrbiyalе, әхlаklı dip mаktаdılаr. Şuңа dа kаrаmаstаn, ruslаr bеlәn gаilә kоrışkаn kеşеlәrnе min һiç хәtеrlәmim. Mеnә şundıy çаrаlаr tаtаr tеlеn vә ruхın sаklаp kаlgаn dа indе...
Tаtаrstаndа tugаn tеlеbеznе аvıllаr sаklаp kilә. Bеz şuңа bik kuаnаbız indе. Şәһәrlәrdә isә tаtаr tеlе yugаlа bаrа. Mоnısın һiç аңlıy аlmıybız. Bеznең vаkıttа univеrsitеtlаrnı tәmаmlаgаn prоfеssоrlаrıbız, dоktоrlаrıbız bаr idе – һiçbеrsе tаtаr tеlеnnәn çitlәşmәdе. Һәrkаysı аnа tеlеndә sөylәştе. Аnа tеlеңnе yugаltu – dеnеңnе, dinеңnе, үtkәnnе, kilәçәknе yugаltu şikеllе bit ul.
– Gаli аgа, bөtеn dөnyagа yanаgаn glоbаllәşү şаrtlаrındа tаtаrnı inkıyrаzdаn nәrsә sаklаp kаlır dip uylıysız?
–Tаtаrlаrnıң çirеgе gеnә Tаtаrstаndа, kаlgаnnаrı çittә gоmеr sөrә. Kаbаtlаp әytәm, bаştаn әхlаknıң nigеzе bulgаn dinnе sаklаrgа kirәk. Ul kөndәlеk biş vаkıt nаmаz uku bеlәn çiklәnеp kаlmıyçа, аnıң bаr burıçlаrın bаşkаru fаrız. Tеlnе sаklаu mәsәlәsеnә kilgәndә, iң elеk үz mәnfәgаtlәrеbеznе kаygırtırgа, kөn sаеn kөrәşеrgә kirәk! Tеlеvidеniе, rаdiо, mаtbugаtnıң yardәmе nık tiyar. Kulgа-kul tоtınışıp kınа tаtаrlıgıbıznı sаklаp kаlа аlırbız.
– Sәidә аpа, bүgеngе kөndә Әnkаrаdа ukıgаn tаtаr studеntlаrı tugаn tеllәrеn оnıtıp җibәrmilәrmе?
– Tөrkiyadә Kаzаn mәdәniyatе dәrnәgе, yağni үzәgе bаr idе. Birеgә kүçеp kilgәç tә Kıtаydаgı vаzgıyatnе dәvаm ittеrdеk. Еgеrmе biş-utız yеl buе şul үzәktә җıеlışıp kiçәlәr uzdırа kildеk. Bеrgәlәşеp milli аş-su bеlәn, milli җırlаr yaңgırаtıp tаtаr tuylаrın bәyrәm itүlәrеbеz һаmаn istә. Sоңrаk – 1970-80 yеllаrgа kаdәr uң-sul firkаlәr аrаsındа çuаlışlаr bаşlаnıp kittе. Sәyasәtkә kаrşı җıеlışаlаr ikәn digәn fikеr kilеp çıkmаsın өçеn tаtаr dәrnәgе yabılıp tа tоrdı. Хәzеr Tөrkiyadәgе tаtаr gаilәlәrеndә tаtаr tеlе yugаlmıy, sаf tаtаrçа sөylәşәlәr. Şulаy dа bүgеngе yaşlәrdә tаtаr хаlkı tаriхı bеlәn zur kızıksınu yuk... Әmmа niçеk kеnә bulmаsın, аlаrnıң җаn-kаnnаrındа tаtаrlık bаr dip ışаnаbız, һәm bеr vаkıtı җitkәç, ul uyanıp tа kitәr әlе.
– Әnkаrаdа ukıgаn tаtаr yaşlәrе niçәmә-niçә yеllаr sеzgә gеl kunаkkа kilеp yөri. Sәidә аpа, Fәridә аpа, Nаҗiya аpа, Gаli аbıy! Sеz аlаrnı һәrvаkıt аçık yөz, tаtlı sүz bеlәn kаrşı аlаsız. Хәzеr аlаrnıң һәrbеrsе tоrmıştа үz urının tаpkаn. Sеznең tаrаfkа kilgәndә үk şundıy bulgаnnаrmı аlаr, әllә indе sеzdәn өyrәndеlәrmе ikәn?..
– Mоnı аlаrnıң үzlәrеnnәn sоrаgız indе. Bеz үzеbеz mаtdi yaktаn dа, ruхi yaktаn dа bik kүp аvırlıklаr kiçеrdеk. Şuңа kүrә yaşlәrnе bik yaхşı аңlıybız. Хәldәn kilgәnçә yardәm kүrsәtеrgә tırışаbız dа. Çit җirlәrdә mәrхәmәt kүrgәn kеşе аlgа tаbа nаçаr yulgа bаsmıy indе ul.
Şәһri Kаzаn
№ 213 | 18.11.2009
20.11.2009 Милләт
Әнкара шәһәрендә яшәүче сәясәтче, Гаяз Исхакый эшен дәвам итүче, узган елда туксан яшен тутырган Гали ага Акыш һәм аның бертуган сеңелләре Сәидә, Фәридә һәм Наҗия апалар өенең ишекләре Төркиядә укучы татар студентларына, ватандашларына һәрвакыт ачык. Миңа Төркиянең курорт шәһәре Анталиядә үткәрелә торган төрки телле журналистлар семинарына барырга насыйп булды. Юк, болай түгел...
Гали ага һәм аның туганнарының хәл-әхвәлен белешәсе килү, чәй эчә-эчә әңгәмә корып утырасы килү теләгенең чынга ашуы өчен семинарга бару мөмкинлеге насыйп булды, дип әйтү, дөресрәк булырдыр... Татарстаннан берничә журналист белән Анталия һәм Әнкараны аерган сигез сәгатьлек юл кичеп, Гали ага Акыш гаиләсенә кунакка килеп төштек.
– Гали ага, Сез халкыбыз хакына бихисап хезмәт куйган олы шәхес. Сез – аның горурлыгы. Сезнеңчә ничек, эшегез тиешенчә бәяләндеме? Татар халкына кабат-кабат ниләр җиткерергә телисез?
– Язганнарымны, әйткәннәремне бәлки кайберәүләр яратмаганнардыр да. Әмма бар сүзем, барлык фикерләрем үз халкым язмышын кайгыртып әйтелде. Хәзер дә мин нәкъ шул фикерләремдә, теләкләремдә калам. Рус милләтенә дә, һичбер башка милләткә дә карышым юк һәм һичкайчан юк та иде. Һәр милләт белән дус булып яшәү мөһим. Татар милләтенең борынгыдан килгән җанаваз теләге – тулы бәйсезлек ул. Безнең бәйсезлегебез Россиягә һич зыянга түгел, киресенчә, файда гына китерер.
Татарстан шуны да аңласын иде: куркыныч, афәт Россиядән түгел, ә бәлки Кытайдан килер. Ошбу нәрсә безгә генә түгел, барча милләтләргә дә яный. Татарстанның киләчәге исә – бөек Төркия белән бөек Россия дуслыгында. Татар халкының бурычы – динне, денне, әдәбиятны, мәдәниятне, мәгърифәтне, ә иң әүвәл туган телне кыямәткәчә саклап калу.
1991 елны Советлар Союзы таркалгач, Татарстан үрнәге барлыкка килде. Бу – үзара тату яшәү моделе. Татар халкы диннән һич тә чит-читкә тайпылырга тиеш түгел. Үз нәүбәтебездә без дә башка диннәргә чикләү куймаска тиеш. Татар мәдәниятен чикләп, рус мәдәниятенә генә өстенлек бирергә тырышуны мин сәяси җинаять кылуга тиң саныйм. Үзара аңлашулар өстән, өстенлекле кушу юлы белән түгел, дипломатия, мәдәни-сәяси калыпта төзелергә тиешле ул.
Россиядә киләчәк белән бәйле башка бер куркыныч бар... Ул да булса, алкоголизм. Ирешкән хәбәрләргә караганда, йөз кешенең унсигезе шул чир белән авырый икән. Әгәр мәгәр әлеге сан егерме биш процентка җитсә, киләчәк турында сүз йөртеп тә булмас. 1910 елда ук Варшава университеты профессоры Машков менә болай дип әйткән булган: «Әгәр бер үзгәреш тә булмаса, дегенерация туктамаса, алты буын алышынгач, ягъни 465 елдан соң ил юк булачак». Бусы да – һәр милләткә яный торган куркыныч.
– Бүгенге Татарстанга әйләнеп кайтыр идегезме, Гали ага?
– 1993 елда Казанга баргач, татар телевидениесендә минем белән үткәргән әңгәмәдә шушындый ук сорау биргәннәр иде. Кабатлап әйтәм: Татарстан тулы бәйсез, мөстәкыйль булса, һичшиксез, кайтыр идем.
– Гали ага, Татарстанга бәйле өметләрегез әзме-күпме акландымы? Кайсылары чынга ашты да кайсылар ашмады?
– Бәйсезлеккә омтылу татар халкының канына, җанына сеңеп калган. 1552 елдан бирле – 457 ел буена кеше кулында көн күрәбез. Кырым татарлары белән Казан татарларын чагыштырып карыйк әле. Үзбәкстанга дәррәү көчләп куылган Кырым татарларының туксан ике проценты, яхшы эшләрен, ияләшкән һөнәрләрен ташлап китеп, Кырымга әйләнеп кайтты. Кырым татарларында тулы бәйсезлеккә омтылыш гаять көчле. Казан татарлары арасында исә «Кайда инде ул безгә бәйсезлек?!» дип уфтанучылар бар. Алай ук өметсезләнергә һич ярамый.
Мин 1956 елны дәрәҗәне күтәрү имтиханына кергән идем. НАТО идарәсенең персонал сәркатибе миннән: «Җаваплар биргәндә нинди телдә уйладыгыз?» – дип сорады. Бүтән телдә уйлавым мөмкинлеге турында башыма да килми инде. «Ана телемдә, билгеле», – дип җавап кайтардым. Татарстанга баргач, татар журналистларына шундый ук сорау биргән идем. Ни аяныч, һичберсеннән «Татар телендә уйлыйм» дигән җавап ишетмәдем... Ана телендә уйлау гаять зур урын алырга тиеш. Бу, әүвәл нәүбәттә, ана телендә тәрбия бирүгә бәйле.
– Киләчәкне кайгыртуда без – бүгенге татарның яшь буыны нишләргә тиеш?
– Барлык дөньяны гизә алсагыз да, яшәү барында үзегезнең бөек татар кавеменнән икәнлегегезне онытмагыз.
Сәидә апа: Милли тәрбия, дин иң элек мәктәптә бирелергә тиеш. Башлангыч татар мәктәбендә булдың исә, һичбер заман син башка милләткә кушылып китмисең, телеңне, динеңне саклыйсың. Ни өчен без Чин илендә яшәгәндә ана телебезне сакладык? Тел – дин кебек ул. Ана телен югалту – динне югалткан кебек. Үз телеңне югалтсаң, вафат ата-аналарың рухы рәнҗи. Ана телен, динне, тарихны саклаудан тыш, матди тормышны алып барыр өчен икътисадны җайга салырга кирәк.
– Гали ага, бу көннәрдә Анталия шәһәрендә егерме алты илдән килгән төрки телле журналистларның семинары уза. Сез моңа нинди мөнәсәбәттә?
– Бик хуп, яхшы эш. Бүгенге көндә татарлар аерым, азәриләр аерым-аерым, гомумән, төркиләр аерым... Нигә мондый соң без?! Югыйсә бер анадан кебек бит! Төркиләр бергә-берәгәйле булса гына яши ала. Татарларның мәдәниятенә киртә куелмаса, милли уянышка әһәмият бирелсә, без яшәрбез. Бу – көч. Төркиядә Истанбулның Әдәрне Капы дигән җирендә татарлар һәм башкортлар өчен аерым редакцияләр эшли. Татарстан белән Башкортстанның мәдәният үзәге ачылды...
– Сәидә апа, чит җирләрдә яшәп, үзегезне ничек татар итеп саклап кала алдыгыз?
– Ата-анабыз Россиядән китеп, чит илдә төпләнгәннәр. Безнең шикеллеләр аз түгел иде. Сәүдә белән килгән татарларның күбесе Пенза төбәгеннән булган. Күбрәк Харбин, Хайлар шәһәрләренә килеп җирләшкәннәр. Барып җиткәч үк үз хәл-әхвәлләре белән татар мәктәпләре, мәчетләр ачканнар. Күбесе сәүдәгәрләр булганга күрә, бу игелекле, иманлы эшкә ярдәм итү мөмкинлеге булган. Үз бала-чагаларын да шул татар мәктәпләренә сабак алырга биргәннәр. Татар мәктәпләре башта биш сыйныфлы, аннары алты сыйныфлы булган. Анда дин, тарих, география, ислам гыйлеме, татар тарихы, татар теле, Коръән дәресләре укытылган. Икенче сыйныфтан башлап ук дин өйрәтелгән. Татар җырларын җырлап, Тукайны укып үстек. Тукай көннәрен уздыра идек. Өлкәннәр, балалар өчен кичәләр оештыра идек. Кытайдагы татар халкы шул кичәләр белән рухланып яшәде.
Хөсәен Әбдүш дигән бер кеше бар иде. Ул яшьләр белән кичәләр оештыра торган булды. Елга өч-дүрт мәртәбә татар кичәләре уздырып барды. Шунда Гаяз Исхакый әсәрләре сәхнәләштерелеп куела торган иде. Бергәләшеп татар китаплары укылды. Әлеге кичәләргә рус университетларында укучы студентлар да йөрде. Алар да татарча яхшы сөйләшә. Рус иптәшләребез шактый күп иде. Рус егетләре татар кызларын бик яраталар иде, бик матурлар, бик тәрбияле, әхлаклы дип мактадылар. Шуңа да карамастан, руслар белән гаилә корышкан кешеләрне мин һич хәтерләмим. Менә шундый чаралар татар телен вә рухын саклап калган да инде...
Татарстанда туган телебезне авыллар саклап килә. Без шуңа бик куанабыз инде. Шәһәрләрдә исә татар теле югала бара. Монысын һич аңлый алмыйбыз. Безнең вакытта университетларны тәмамлаган профессорларыбыз, докторларыбыз бар иде – һичберсе татар теленнән читләшмәде. Һәркайсы ана телендә сөйләште. Ана телеңне югалту – денеңне, динеңне, үткәнне, киләчәкне югалту шикелле бит ул.
– Гали ага, бөтен дөньяга янаган глобальләшү шартларында татарны инкыйраздан нәрсә саклап калыр дип уйлыйсыз?
–Татарларның чиреге генә Татарстанда, калганнары читтә гомер сөрә. Кабатлап әйтәм, баштан әхлакның нигезе булган динне сакларга кирәк. Ул көндәлек биш вакыт намаз уку белән чикләнеп калмыйча, аның бар бурычларын башкару фарыз. Телне саклау мәсьәләсенә килгәндә, иң элек үз мәнфәгатьләребезне кайгыртырга, көн саен көрәшергә кирәк! Телевидение, радио, матбугатның ярдәме нык тияр. Кулга-кул тотынышып кына татарлыгыбызны саклап кала алырбыз.
– Сәидә апа, бүгенге көндә Әнкарада укыган татар студентлары туган телләрен онытып җибәрмиләрме?
– Төркиядә Казан мәдәнияте дәрнәге, ягъни үзәге бар иде. Бирегә күчеп килгәч тә Кытайдагы вазгыятьне дәвам иттердек. Егерме биш-утыз ел буе шул үзәктә җыелышып кичәләр уздыра килдек. Бергәләшеп милли аш-су белән, милли җырлар яңгыратып татар туйларын бәйрәм итүләребез һаман истә. Соңрак – 1970-80 елларга кадәр уң-сул фиркаләр арасында чуалышлар башланып китте. Сәясәткә каршы җыелышалар икән дигән фикер килеп чыкмасын өчен татар дәрнәге ябылып та торды. Хәзер Төркиядәге татар гаиләләрендә татар теле югалмый, саф татарча сөйләшәләр. Шулай да бүгенге яшьләрдә татар халкы тарихы белән зур кызыксыну юк... Әмма ничек кенә булмасын, аларның җан-каннарында татарлык бар дип ышанабыз, һәм бер вакыты җиткәч, ул уянып та китәр әле.
– Әнкарада укыган татар яшьләре ничәмә-ничә еллар сезгә гел кунакка килеп йөри. Сәидә апа, Фәридә апа, Наҗия апа, Гали абый! Сез аларны һәрвакыт ачык йөз, татлы сүз белән каршы аласыз. Хәзер аларның һәрберсе тормышта үз урынын тапкан. Сезнең тарафка килгәндә үк шундый булганнармы алар, әллә инде сездән өйрәнделәрме икән?..
– Моны аларның үзләреннән сорагыз инде. Без үзебез матди яктан да, рухи яктан да бик күп авырлыклар кичердек. Шуңа күрә яшьләрне бик яхшы аңлыйбыз. Хәлдән килгәнчә ярдәм күрсәтергә тырышабыз да. Чит җирләрдә мәрхәмәт күргән кеше алга таба начар юлга басмый инде ул.
Шәһри Казан
№ 213 | 18.11.2009
We (at the Peremech Lounge) didn't create any of the above content.
Friday, February 19, 2010
Stalin and Crimean Tatars
Posters and information booths devoted to the Soviet dictator are to go up across the capital under a proposal by Moscow City Council to mark the 65th anniversary of the defeat of Nazi Germany on May 9. The decision outraged rights groups and opposition parties yesterday, who condemned it as another step towards rehabilitating a tyrant.
It also split the political establishment amid signs of Kremlin unease that Stalin’s legacy of repression could overshadow plans to honour veterans of what Russians call the Great Patriotic War. Millions of people perished in the Gulag slave labour camps during Stalin’s rule.
“We can say that it was not Stalin who won the war but the people,” said Boris Gryzlov, the leader in parliament of Vladimir Putin’s ruling United Russia party. “The ambiguous role that Stalin played in the life of our country will not be corrected by posters.”
Lyudmila Alekseyeva, the head of the Moscow Helsinki Group, told Interfax news agency: “We are going to protest against this. Those who want to put up portraits of Stalin in Moscow would like to see a return to the state terror of the Stalinist period.”
Sergei Mitrokhin, the leader of the opposition Yabloko party, said that the plan was “an insult to the memory of our fathers, grandfathers, and great- grandfathers, who won the war against fascism with their labour and blood”.
Mikhail Gorbachev, the former Soviet President, also objected. He told the newspaper Izvestia: “You cannot remove Stalin from the history of the war. But it should be remembered that the country entered the war badly prepared with its own military commanders repressed.”
Gennadi Zyuganov, the Communist Party leader, said that recognition of Stalin as commander-in-chief of the Red Army was “not only indisputably correct but also courageous”. He said: “For the first time in 20 years we have ended the hypocrisy of the authorities forgetting under whose leadership the war was won.”
Vladimir Makarov, head of the city council’s advertising and information committee, said that the campaign was being undertaken after a request from veterans’ groups. He said: “For years we have had information stands about the war commanders. But the supreme commander was missing. We need to remember the man who led our country in the war.”
It will undoubtedly be welcomed by many veterans who continue to revere Stalin as a war leader. Nadezhda Popova, a wartime pilot decorated as a Hero of the Soviet Union, told The Times: “Of course there were repressions but we have the right to remember him because we fought under his leadership. We believed in him. He was like a god for us.”
Official endorsement of Stalin at a key moment of national celebration would be a dramatic development in the gradual restoration of Soviet-era symbols in Russia under Mr Putin. He brought back the Soviet national anthem in 2000 and revived military parades in Red Square in 2008.
Mr Putin also endorsed a textbook for teachers that described Stalin as an “efficient manager” rather than a mass murderer, and as someone who behaved rationally in making the Soviet Union into a superpower.
Rise and fall
• After Stalin died on March 5, 1953, his body was embalmed and placed in Red Square
• Three years later his successor Nikita Khrushchev condemned him for carrying out “mass repressions”
• In 1961 Stalin’s body was interred in the Kremlin
• On the 20th anniversary of VE Day in 1965 Leonid Brezhnev, the Soviet leader, proclaimed Stalin a “war hero”
• During the glasnost era and after the Soviet Union’s collapse, the Russian leaders Mikhail Gorbachev and Boris Yeltsin condemned him as a dictator
Mourning Day
President Viktor Yushchenko has strongly condemned the 1944 deportation of Crimean Tatars on many occasions and ordered the Security Service (SBU) to open a special investigative unit examining crimes against humanity committed by the Soviet regime against them. Since the 1998 Ukrainian parliamentary elections, Rukh and President Yushchenko's Our Ukraine have included Tatar leaders within their party lists.
On the 65th anniversary of the deportation of Crimean Tatars, Prime Minister Yulia Tymoshenko condemned it in no uncertain terms: "This terrible and severe page in our history we, as Ukrainians who ourselves went through the famine-genocide and repression, and for a long period of time defended their right to independence, feel the sufferings and consequences of each and every Crimean Tatar" (www.kmu.gov.ua May 18).
The anniversary coincided with the first World Congress of Crimean Tatars attended by 800 delegates from 11 countries. The congress, held in the famous Bakhchysaray palace, the former seat of the Tatar Khanate, was followed by a procession to the historical Zincirli Madrasah. The congress released the pent up frustrations felt by Crimean Tatars who are dissatisfied with the manner in which they have been treated by successive Ukrainian governments. Throughout much of May the Crimean Tatar protestors stood outside the cabinet of ministers' office in Kyiv demanding greater attention for their economic and social plight.
Our Crimean Tatar leader Mustafa Dzhemilev, a veteran Soviet dissident, complained that no legislation has ever been adopted in Ukraine to reinstate the social and legal rights of his people. The World Congress called upon the Ukrainian president and prime minister, "to take urgent steps to deliver on all the previously reached agreements, and your instructions and promises regarding the fair resolution of land disputes in Crimea and providing Crimean Tatars with land".
All of the infrastructure of the Crimean Tatars up to their 18 May 1944 massive deportation - theaters, schools, mosques, and other buildings - were expropriated by the Soviet regime and have not been returned. Crimean Tatar place names were subsequently Russified. Currently 15 out of 650 Crimean schools provide instruction in Crimean Tatar, but only 13 of these do so in the first three grades.
Land is the major source of dispute, as many Tatars live illegally as squatters, pushed into rural areas by developers taking prize urban real estate. High unemployment forces many Crimean Tatars to eke out a living within the shadow economy, as shuttle-traders where they regularly face violence from organized criminal gangs who control the street markets. The issue of the plight of the Crimean Tatars is seen in diametrically opposite ways by Ukrainians and Russians. Russian nationalist and communist parties and NGO's in the Crimea hold to the Russian world view of Tatars as rabidly anti-Russian and "Nazi collaborators." They, and the Russian authorities, see Tsarina Catherine as a great builder of the Russian empire.
Ukrainians and Tatars see her as a destroyer of their autonomy and independence in the last two decades of the eighteenth century. Following the Russian occupation of the Crimea, between the 1780's to 1914 hundreds of thousands of Tatars emigrated to Ottoman Turkey, where in modern Turkey they remain a vocal lobby.
The charge of "Nazi collaborators" was first raised in May 1944 when the Soviet leader Joseph Stalin ordered the deportation of 423,100 Crimean Tatars to Uzbekistan. 195,471 of them died on the way. 46.2 percent (Crimean Tatar estimate) died in the first year in exile. Smaller numbers of Germans, Armenians and Bulgarians were also deported. The place of these four ethnic groups was largely filled by ethnic Russians. The autonomous status of the Crimea within the Russian SFSR was abolished in 1944 and only revived in 1991 in the Ukrainian SSR to which the Crimea was transferred in 1954.
In 1967 the Soviet government dropped all charges of "Nazi collaboration." But, Tatars only began to return to the Crimea in the late 1980's, where they now number 400,000 (16 percent of the population). The ethnic Russian majority is in decline from 65 (1989) to 58 (2001) percent. Approximately 100,000 Crimean Tatars continue to live in Uzbekistan.
Wednesday, February 17, 2010
Tuesday, February 16, 2010
Без чемпионлар (We Are The Champions in Tatar)
In honour of the 2010 Winter Olympics in Vancouver, British Columbia
Shakur hem Ilham Shakirov - Bek Yirakta Idek
Ихлас "Бер алманы бишкэ булэйек"
Tatar Winnie the Pooh
Tatars of Lithuania
Многих исследователей истории до сих пор занимают вопросы появления на территории Великого Княжества Литовского первых татарских поселений и интеграции татар в жизнь этого государства.Автор ам документального видео-фильма Я потомок мурз татарских... ответы увиделись в размышлениях о своей многовековой биографии самих татар - ученых и краеведов, общественных и религиозных деятелей сегодняшней Независимой Литвы.
Monday, February 15, 2010
Tatar Hunting Search Terms
Crimean Tatar
аккорды татарских песен
народные песни
слова татарских песен
татар теле
татарская культура
татарская музыка
татарские артисты
татарские песни
татарский язык
Tatar tele
Татар теле
Get out yer laptop..... We're huntin' Tatar content!
Friday, February 12, 2010
Thursday, February 11, 2010
Wednesday, February 10, 2010
Tuesday, February 9, 2010
Peremech Holiday!

I don't reference articles from azatliq radio very often, but this is just too cool not to mention.
Peremech Jewelry and a Ceramic Peremech.
Behold Peremech!
and Happy Peremech Day!
Monday, February 8, 2010
MANTI or TABAK BÖREK (Dumplings)
DoughNote: One cup in U.S. measurements corresponds to 2.5 deciliters in the metric system.
2 cups wheat flour
1 egg
½ cup water
½ teaspoon salt
½ pounds ground beef or lamb (225 grams)
(traditionally minced meat)
1 small onion
½ teaspoon salt
¼ teaspoon black pepper
Beef broth for cooking the dumplings
Yogurt or sour cream
Sift 2 cups of flours into a bowl and add salt. Beat the egg and mix in the water. Make a well in the center of the flour and add the egg mixture. Mix well and knead the dough until it is smooth. Divide the dough into two balls, and set them aside, covered with a towel for 30 minutes or longer.
To prepare the filling, grate or finely chop the onion. Add to the meat with salt and pepper.
On a flat surface sprinkled with flour, roll out each ball of dough into a round layer about 1/16 inch or 1 mm thick. Using a cookie cutter or a glass, cut out round pieces about 1.5 to 2 inches in diameter (4-5 cm). Place 1/2 teaspoon filling on each round piece and fold one half of the dough over the other half so as to form half-moons. Seal the edges. Take the two ends, overlap, and press gently.
Cook the dumplings in boiling water or broth for about 10 minutes or until the edges of te dumpling appears translucent but still firm. Generally, dumplings are served in the broth as a soup, and yogurt or sour cream may be added to individual bowls. If a dish of dumplings is preferred, then remove them carefully from the boiling pot with a slotted spoon and serve with melted butter, yogurt or sour cream.
NOTE: The recipe was written by Inci Bowman, based on information provided by several TMG members: Akif Ali, Sermin Hardesty, Rashid Khairoulin, and Ilcen Mert. The basic recipe for dough and filling was given by Alice Arndt, a food historian in Houston, Texas.
Kosh Tele
Categories: Cookies
Yield: 8 servings
3 1/4 c Sifted flour
(or a little more)
6 tb Granulated sugar
1 ts Salt
2 Eggs
3 tb Yogurt
1/2 c Milk
Vanilla or rosewater
Oil for deep-frying
Powdered sugar
One of the smallest and least-known ethnic groups in our country are the
Tatars. They represent an area officially known as Tatarstan, 500 miles
east of Moscow. This is a sweet they prepare on traditional holidays. KOSH
TILI means “birds' tongues”, in this case, the birds would have to be
pretty big. (G) Sift together flour, granulated sugar and salt. Add
eggs,yogurt, milk and optional dash of vanilla or rosewater. Mix well with
spoon, then pour out onto lightly floured work surface and knead until
smooth. Divide dough into 4 parts. Place 1 piece of dough on floured
board and roll out 1/8-inch thick. Using a knife or crimp-edged cutter, cut
into strips about 1-1/2 or 2 inches wide and 6-8 inches long. Using knife,
cut a 1-1/2-inch slit in middle of each strip. Take 1 end of each strip,
fold it through slit and pull out on the other side. Repeat with remaining
dough strips. Heat oil for deep-frying. Fry 1 or 2 dough strips at a
time, holding under surface of oil until puffed and golden brown. Drain
finished fritters in colander, then place on paper towels and sprinkle with
powdered sugar. Makes 8 to 12 servings.
NOTE: The recipe gave no frying temperature, so you'll have to FIND the
best temp. I guess.
Anthony Bourdain in Turkiye
It is quite long and continues into 5 parts. Start with 1.
Chef Anthony Bourdain's "No Reservations" program on Travel Channel featured Istanbul on January 18, 2010. If you missed this program you can watch it now on You Tube. This is fantastic propaganda for Turkish food and Turkey, in particular Istanbul which happens to be the European Capital of Culture 2010, more reason to visit! Also, now you'll understand why it's so difficult to resist food when in Turkiye!
Links to Anthony Bourdain's "No Reservations"- Istanbul which aired on Travel Channel on January 18, 2010
1 of 5: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ecFfC-3557Y
2 of 5: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hViI2wQdrq4&NR=1
3 of 5: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tHyOQkbCxsk&NR=1
4 of 5: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UazFCb8gZfM&feature=related
5 of 5: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wmvByCf4w-4&feature=related
Saturday, February 6, 2010
Tatarstan from the Economist

Beyond the Kremlin's reach
Jan 28th 2010
From The Economist print edition
Tatarstan is stable, but the republics of the north Caucasus are aflame. Why?
MINTIMER SHAIMIEV has ruled Tatarstan, a large Muslim republic in the heart of Russia, for two decades with a soft voice and a tight fist. He survived the disintegration of the Soviet empire in the 1990s and the centralisation of power in the 2000s. He pursued his own economic and political strategy, keeping Tatarstan firmly within Russia’s borders but out of the Kremlin’s reach. He is no more a democrat or an altruist than Russia’s prime minister, Vladimir Putin, but on his watch Tatarstan held together better and suffered fewer economic shocks than much of Russia.
On January 22nd the 73-year-old survivor said he would step down once his fourth term expires in two months’ time. Officially, the president of Tatarstan is appointed and removed by the Kremlin, like any other regional governor in Russia. Yet few doubt that Mr Shaimiev chose both the timing of his resignation and the identity of his successor. When the Russian president, Dmitry Medvedev, suggested Rustam Minnikhanov—the prime minister of Tatarstan and chairman of its oil company Tatneft—as the next Tatar president, he was voicing Mr Shaimiev’s wish as much as his own.
In contrast, the transfer of power in Dagestan, a Muslim republic in the north Caucasus, has been accompanied by murder, explosions and civil strife. The region has seen a surge in home-grown Islamic fundamentalism, increasing lawlessness among the police and security services and feuding between local clans. On January 6th a suicide bomber drove into a police station, killing six officers. Last summer the republic’s interior minister was assassinated. During mayoral elections in the town of Derbent last October, police clashed with voters and a third of polling stations failed to open (the result was considered beyond the pale even by a Dagestani court, which annulled the result). Mr Medvedev is expected to appoint a new president for Dagestan in February, but this is unlikely to turn the republic into a peace-loving and lawful place.
One explanation for the differences between Tatarstan and Dagestan lies in their contrasting histories. After being conquered by Ivan the Terrible in the 16th century, Kazan, the capital of Tatarstan, was successfully integrated into the Russian empire. The republic has been at peace ever since. After the Soviet collapse in 1991, Mr Shaimiev made full but cautious use of Boris Yeltsin’s offer to “take as much sovereignty as you can swallow.” Mr Shaimiev’s skill and Mr Yeltsin’s belief in federalism as the only plausible model for post-imperial Russia prevented the further disintegration of the country and kept Tatarstan on an even keel.
The north Caucasus, on the other hand, was colonised by Russia only in the second half of the 19th century, and was never fully assimilated. Russia’s reliance on force and repression to pacify the region steadily undermined the legitimacy of its rule. Following the break-up of the Soviet Union in 1991, Chechnya demanded full independence. Almost 20 years and two brutal wars later, the republic finds itself ruled by Ramzan Kadyrov, a Kremlin-backed strongman with his own small army and a great deal of autonomy.
The neo-colonial methods deployed by Russia in Chechnya have helped spread violence throughout the region. Neither Dagestan, to the east, nor Ingushetia, to Chechnya’s west, claimed independence after 1991, but both are in a state resembling civil war. Desperate to regain a semblance of control over the north Caucasus, the Kremlin recently appointed Alexander Khloponin, an ambitious former businessman and governor of a Siberian region, as an envoy to the newly formed administrative district of the north Caucasus. The appointment was made by Mr Medvedev, but Mr Khloponin will also answer to Mr Putin.
Mr Khloponin has a reputation as an efficient manager. But creating new layers of bureaucracy is unlikely to curb the violence. The pervasive corruption of the state and the lawlessness of the police restrict the ability of the Kremlin to influence much beyond the appointment of governors or envoys.
During his time as president, Mr Putin consolidated a great deal of power in his hands. Yet despite their differences, both Tatarstan and the north Caucasus testify to the limits of the Kremlin’s writ. Regions with strong local leaders, like Mr Shaimiev, do relatively well despite the Kremlin’s interference, whereas problematic regions often see their difficulties aggravated because of it. Mr Putin’s centralisation of power has made Russia more autocratic but it has not made it better governed.