Friday, December 19, 2014
Thursday, December 11, 2014
Wednesday, December 10, 2014
Who was Salavat Yulayev?
Salawat Yulayev was born in the village of Tekeyevo, in Shaytan-Kudeevsky volost of Ufa province of Orenburg Governorate (now Salavatsky District) of Bashkortostan. Tekeyevo no longer exists, as it was burned in 1775.
Salawat Yulayev was at the head of all revolted Bashkortostan from the very beginning of the country war of 1773-1775. He was seized by imperial authorities on November, 24th, 1774, and his father, Yulay Aznalin, was captured even earlier. Put into irons, they were sent to Moscow.
Yulay Aznalin was a votchinnik (holder of patrimonial estate), a rich, intelligent and influential man. He was held in general respect among Bashkirs and was a Bauermeister (district foreman). The local authorities gave credence to him; his fidelity to Russian government could not be doubted.
In 1768 the Orenburg governor prince Putyatin himself appointed Yulay as the foreman of the Bashkir command. But soon the merchant Tverdyshev, granted collegiate asessory rank, deprived Yulay Aznalin of his land to build Simsky plant and villages. The Bashkir land was falling to ruin, and so Yulay Aznalin and his nineteen-year-old son Salawat stood up under Yemelyan Pugachev’s banners.
Ten months after Salawat's capture, in September, 1775, he and his father were publicly lashed in those places where the largest battles with the governmental armies took place. In a month they both were pulled out nostrils, and their foreheads and faces were branded. On October 2, 1775, hands and legs chained, Salawat and Yulay were sent on two carts under protection to the Baltic fortress Rogervik (nowadays the city of Paldiski in Estonia) for life. The transport with convicts passed Menzelinsk, Kazan, Nizhni Novgorod, Moscow, reaching Tver on November 14 and then continuing on through Novgorod, Pskov, and Revel and arriving finally in Rogervik on November, 29th.
The Baltic port Rogervik had been founded by Peter the Great. However, when participants of the Bashkir revolt arrived in Rogervik, the fortress was practically deserted. There was only a small garrison and small number of prisoners. Here Salawat and Yulay met their brothers-in-arms in struggle: Pugachev Colonel I.S. Aristov, Colonel Kanzafar Usaev, and others. Salawat Yulayev and his father lived the rest of their lives in Rogervik.
When Paul I ascended the throne, the commandant of the fortress Langel submitted an inquiry about moving the remaining participants of the Pugachev Revolt to Taganrog or to Irkutsk to a cloth factory. The resolution came from the Senate: "The aforementioned convicts are subject to be moved… For their villainies they are banished by imperial command, and it is ordered to keep them in this port with possible caution that they could not make runaway." There was a special manifest on March 17, 1775 which was published by the late empress Catherine II. By her order all participants of the Pugachev revolt were to be imprisoned forever, and their names should "be condemned to eternal oblivion and deep silence." Under this manifest local authorities pursued everyone who pronounced the names of rebels.
The last documented mention of Salawat Yulayev is dated 1800. Till this time he stayed in bondage for twenty five years: "To Estland provincial board from Major Ditmar being at the Baltic invalid command. Being under my responsibility, convicted slaves 12 men which are in a safe state. Against the previous submitted register decreased: This month of 26-th date, convicted slave Salawat Yulayev died about which I have the honor of reporting." Salawat died in penal servitude on September 26, 1800.
Thursday, December 4, 2014
Bulgar Key
Rare Iron Key . Volga Bulgaria ca 700-900 AD
"Volga Bulgaria, or Volga–Kama Bulghar, was a historic Islamic Bulgar Turkic state that existed between the seventh and thirteenth centuries around the confluence of the Volga and Kama rivers, in what is now European Russia.. "
on sale now on ebay here
Sunday, November 30, 2014
Thursday, November 27, 2014
Wednesday, November 26, 2014
Monday, November 24, 2014
"Casan Tatars"
This plate shows different Tatar people in their local
dress. From left to right; Uzbeks, Tatars of Casan and Bucharien. The man on the left is wearing a dagger.
Description: This old antique print
/ plate originates from: 'Il Costume Antico e Moderno ...' , by Giulio
Ferrario, published in Milan in 21 volumes by Antonio Fortunato Stella
in 1827 (first edition, second issue). The 17 volumes of the first issue
were published sequentially between c. 1815/1816 until 1826 after first
being issued in 143 weekly installments. The work appeared in Italian
and French. Smaller size editions with smaller much less elaborate
plates were published in Florence (1823-38), Naples (1831-42) and Livorno (1830).
Tatar Cuisine, My Way
- Print Length: 33 pages
- Publisher: Sania Sieroversche; 1 edition (April 8, 2013)
- Sold by: Amazon Digital Services, Inc.
- Language: English
"Tatar cuisine is primarily the cuisine of the Tatars, who have their
homeland in Tatarstan, Russia, and surrounding areas. Cookery and old
recipes of the Tatar Cuisine."
Tuesday, November 18, 2014
Second Languages
This (expandable) image is of second languages throughout the world.
published on Business
Sunday, November 16, 2014
Thursday, November 13, 2014
Iskender's Peremech
We wish it was our birthday also after we saw this bountiful platter of Peremech!
Happy Birthday Iskender.
Wednesday, October 29, 2014
Tuesday, October 28, 2014
Kurban Bayram - California 2014
October 4, 2014
Kurban Bayram LuncheonATTA - Burlingame California
Kurban Bayram Namaz in the Morning
Mullah - Abduldayyan Safa
ATTA President - Turan Apakay
Hoş Kildegez speaker - Adile Safa
Friday, October 24, 2014
Monday, October 20, 2014
Wednesday, September 10, 2014
Saturday, August 30, 2014
Dates in the Tatar Calendar
30 avgust - Tatarstan Möstäqillege köne
30 August - Tatarstan Republic Day - In 2014, It is the 24th anniversary of the declaration of sovereignty of the State of Tatarstan.
Sabantuy 1976 - Searsville Lake - San Mateo County
We ran across this old image from a 1970's Sabantuy when the Burlingame Tatar community would hold it at Searsville lake, about half hour south of Burlingame. It is now private property and not available to use.
Çit İl Tatar Radio Intervyu + Яшьләр on-line
Below is their appearance on Tatar TV (!)
The program is called "Yeshler On-Line" - "Youth On-Line".
"Яшьләр on-line"
Tuesday, August 12, 2014
UFA drum
We know the Bashkir people are talented musicians and many Tatars enjoy singing Bashkir folk songs, but this is new to us. The City of Ufa has a trinity of electric guitars in their crest! Brilliant!
Friday, August 1, 2014
Friday, July 18, 2014
Monday, July 14, 2014
Open Gates To Russia - 1920
Here's the bit about us:
"Passing down the river ... the traveler comes to Kazan, the city which was formerly the outlying stronghold of the Tatar power in Russia and which Czar Ivan the Terrible captured from its Tatar defenders in the middle of the sixteenth century. There is still a large Tatar community in Kazan, occupying a portion of the city by itself and having its own Tatar shops and Mohammedan mosques. The persistence of the strong old Tatar spirit was evidenced in the course of the revolution, when the Tatars protested against keeping the Russian imperial double-eagles at the top of the prominent red-brick tower with the citadel, from which the Tatar Princess Suumbeka leaped to her death at the fall of the city to the attacking Russian troops. After the abdication of Czar Nikolai II, the Tatars contended, it was no longer fitting that this symbol of imperial conquest should remain at the top of the Tatar tower, and no Russian symbol could replace it so well as could the Mohammedan crescent which had originally adorned it. Their influence in the affairs of the city was sufficiently strong to carry their point. The double-eagles were taken down, and in their place was put once more the half-moon, after a lapse of nearly three centuries.
Kazan is typical of many of the Volga cities. On landing from the boat there is a drive of several versts over a road across the fields to the city itself, in the course of which the walled kreml, or citadel, stands out above the roofs of the houses, dominating the heights in the center of the town. This sort of fortification, with its white walls broken by round turrets, is common to many of the older cities, dating from the time when the populations had to have some place of refuge from attack by the wild Mongolian hordes which occasionally made invasions into the land and which once, under Jenghiz Khan, so thoroughly terrified Russia and much of Europe...
Kazan contains one of the large and important universities of Russia, which would command the interest of any traveler interested in education. The kreml, with the vermillion Spasskaya Church at the gate contrasting with the white citadel walls and with the silver domes and lofty bell-towers of the old churches within, is one of the most picturesque in Russia. The crowded bazaar, back of the main street, has many interesting booths where peasant work or icons or old samovars can be found; and the Tatar quarter is worth a visit for its leather works in which are made the Tatar slippers and boots and pillow covers of the variegated leather and its stores with Tatar jewelry and head-dresses and shawls. Kazan has also an excellent Kustarni Sklad, or store for peasant work, where examples of the people's wood-carving and lace- and laquer-work and jewelry can be seen. Several villages in which such things are produced, and where the processes can be observed at first hand, are fairly easily reached from Kazan.
Aside from the obvious differences in physical construction and convenience already discussed earlier, the life of the people in such a small city in Russia is chiefly distinguished from that of a small city in America by the markedly greater interest in music, in the more serious productions of the theater, and in fine literature. Kazan, for instance, has a population estimated at something between one hundred and fifty thousand and two hundred thousand. In this city there was a fairly large opera-house, as there is in nearly every Russian city of similar size. The opera-house in Kazan had an auditorium of generous dimensions with four tiers of galleries. In this hall, during the winter season, only operas were produced, nearly all by Russian composers upon Russian historical themes, and all, without exception, classical in character. Even good operettas were not produced in this house. There was another theater in the city for operetta when people wished to hear it. Performances were given in the opera-house every night, and occasionally there were matinees. The staging was artistic in conception and excellent in execution...and the quality of the singing and acting of the company was remarkably good. Taken as a whole, the productions were such that they could be heard with enjoyment by any lover of good opera. Even in the winter of 1918-19 this opera-house was always well filled with enthusiastic and appreciative audiences brought together by their love of good music. It is safe to venture that there is not a single city of two hundred thousand inhabitants in America where such an enterprise could be supported by public attendance, or where the music would be understood by general audiences even if the operas were produced by subscription. "
Kazan is typical of many of the Volga cities. On landing from the boat there is a drive of several versts over a road across the fields to the city itself, in the course of which the walled kreml, or citadel, stands out above the roofs of the houses, dominating the heights in the center of the town. This sort of fortification, with its white walls broken by round turrets, is common to many of the older cities, dating from the time when the populations had to have some place of refuge from attack by the wild Mongolian hordes which occasionally made invasions into the land and which once, under Jenghiz Khan, so thoroughly terrified Russia and much of Europe...
Kazan contains one of the large and important universities of Russia, which would command the interest of any traveler interested in education. The kreml, with the vermillion Spasskaya Church at the gate contrasting with the white citadel walls and with the silver domes and lofty bell-towers of the old churches within, is one of the most picturesque in Russia. The crowded bazaar, back of the main street, has many interesting booths where peasant work or icons or old samovars can be found; and the Tatar quarter is worth a visit for its leather works in which are made the Tatar slippers and boots and pillow covers of the variegated leather and its stores with Tatar jewelry and head-dresses and shawls. Kazan has also an excellent Kustarni Sklad, or store for peasant work, where examples of the people's wood-carving and lace- and laquer-work and jewelry can be seen. Several villages in which such things are produced, and where the processes can be observed at first hand, are fairly easily reached from Kazan.
Aside from the obvious differences in physical construction and convenience already discussed earlier, the life of the people in such a small city in Russia is chiefly distinguished from that of a small city in America by the markedly greater interest in music, in the more serious productions of the theater, and in fine literature. Kazan, for instance, has a population estimated at something between one hundred and fifty thousand and two hundred thousand. In this city there was a fairly large opera-house, as there is in nearly every Russian city of similar size. The opera-house in Kazan had an auditorium of generous dimensions with four tiers of galleries. In this hall, during the winter season, only operas were produced, nearly all by Russian composers upon Russian historical themes, and all, without exception, classical in character. Even good operettas were not produced in this house. There was another theater in the city for operetta when people wished to hear it. Performances were given in the opera-house every night, and occasionally there were matinees. The staging was artistic in conception and excellent in execution...and the quality of the singing and acting of the company was remarkably good. Taken as a whole, the productions were such that they could be heard with enjoyment by any lover of good opera. Even in the winter of 1918-19 this opera-house was always well filled with enthusiastic and appreciative audiences brought together by their love of good music. It is safe to venture that there is not a single city of two hundred thousand inhabitants in America where such an enterprise could be supported by public attendance, or where the music would be understood by general audiences even if the operas were produced by subscription. "
Thursday, July 3, 2014
древный болгар - ancient bolgar - DVD
This is a short film, about half an hour. It concerns the formation and history of the Bolgar empire. In Russian, dubbed into Tatar and English. We purchased this on E-Bay from seller Idelion. We mentioned them a few posts ago. Their shop is here. They are our new favorite E-Bay merchant and they threw in a Salavat CD in along with our order. Thanks!
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